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Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

2 Stars

1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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Eric McClain

Eric Mcclain

Roosevelt, New York

Rocket Arabic
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I purchased Rocket Arabic for trip I will be taking to Egypt that has been years in planning. I can tell you from experience that you could spend more on an Egyptian Arabic study program and get a lot less for your money. In the short time I've been using it I have been enormously impressed. Rocket Arabic is an excellent, five star language study program for the traveler looking to be more than the average tourist.

Leila Ismail

Leila Ismail


Rocket Arabic
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It is fun, and I learn a lot from it. It lets me learn faster than I would have by myself. It was definitely a good choice.I've already gotten so far and I'm really proud of myself. Thank you so much to my local library that enabled me to do this.

Ramona Kemph

Ramona Kemph

Walla Walla, WA

Rocket French
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It took me awhile to get into the Rocket French lessons. Truth is I didn't want to take the time. But, once I did, I am HOOKED! It is Soooooo fun!! I love practicing saying the phrases and trying to match it exactly to the tutor! The games are more like video games and it's hard to believe I'm actually learning French, but I know I am. I've been trying to set records with the games and increase my badges by the points I've been earning. It's SO motivating, I told my daughter I am literally addicted!
Thank you, Rocket French! I can't wait to visit all the French speaking countries in Europe, and impress them with my new found knowledge of this beautiful language!! I give you 5 Stars!!

 Emmalane  Drewer

Emmalane Drewer

Rocket German
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I just recently started using rocket languages to be able to communicate with my friend in Switzerland! I really like this site, it gives a very good variety of languages, ways to learn them, and even good motivation methods. I have a really good time when I am learning and rocket languages gives a really balanced level of easy and hard. since I started, I have learned so much so incredibly fast. I definitely recommend rocket languages!

Zelda Loarca

Zelda Loarca

Rocket German
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I am very surprised by the method of Rocket language. Recently acquired the Rocket german course, and the lessons are interesting and interactive. Of course, for this kind of course you with need a lot of motivation and discipline, but the advantage is that they give you guidelines to design your learning strategy. I'm really happy with my progress in German. Tschüss!

Harriet Jones

Harriet Jones

Rocket French
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This is my first time to take a French speaking course. I'm pleasantly surprised at how much enjoyment I get from each chapter. The French speakers on the audio are extremely helpful in my efforts to improve my accent and pronunciation. And the ability to play your own voice for review of what it sounds like to others really enhances the experience and accuracy. In addition, I usually always end up laughing out loud at the sound of my voice at least once per lesson! It's a real treat to have fun while learning!

Alexis  Sanders

Alexis Sanders

Rocket Japanese
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It's okay, it should go into more detail and provide lessons about writing in Japanese, as well as the speaking ones. I like pie as well, make a lesson about pie and fat potatoes. That's it. Byeeeeeee!!!

Shaun Dayner

Shaun Dayner

Rocket Spanish
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Rocket Languages will really help you with learning a new language, its nice and simple, and you can go at your own pace. The tests are really helpful and having the interactive audio lessons is easy as well. The site also has interesting things such as myvocab and you are able to highlight words for quicker use to see the definition.

Shelley Weimer-skoropad

Shelley Weimer-skoropad


Rocket Spanish
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Great interaction with native speakers. Enjoy the dialogue. Real life conversations. Using slang. Also opportunities to review grammer. I enjoy the cultural learning examples from countries of South America and Spain.



Rocket French
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I have been using the trial version for less than 2 weeks, and have already Astounded people with my little French. For example today I ran into a French mother and daughter. With the little French spoke they thought I was french! They couldn't believe my accent and were impressed. The interactive dialogue is great and the words were pronounced so clear for me. The design of this software and learning structure is fantastic! It allows me to repeat and answer questions to the pint that it sounds native! I started a French course in parallel and its triple the cost and doesn't compare. The Cd I got with the book is just crappy compared! I have studied a different language before - before the Internet and I wish someone could of given me all the tips I am reading that rocket French provides for free!. Rocket French has compiled a lot of information, advice and recommendations which is probably taken for granted. It's truly a wonderful experience learning online with a support forum for the language and IT. This online trial kit exceeds my expectations! Well done to you all Who Made this product a reality!