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Hobbies in Arabic

How do you explain what you like to do in Arabic? After this free audio lesson you’ll know the words for “I like” in Arabic. Whether it’s watching movies, listening to music, night clubbing or reading, you’ll learn how to talk about hobbies in Arabic, and things you enjoy doing in your free time.

Talking about shared interests is a great way to establish common ground. Being able to talk about yourself and ask about others in Arabic will help you make friends - and make the conversation more interesting!

So tell me about yourself…

Resources for further reading:

How to pronounce hobbies in Arabic

In this lesson all gender specific words will be in the masculine form.

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Arabic pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!

Hiking in Arabic

انا بحب الغناء

Ana ba7eb el3'ona

I like singing.

انا بحب الطبخ

Ana ba7eb eltab7'

I like cooking.

انا بحب العب كرة

Ana ba7eb al3ab kora

I like playing football.

انا بحب العب سلة

Ana ba7eb al3ab sala

I like playing basketball.

انا بحب اسمع موسيقى

Ana ba7eb asma3 mosiqa

I like listening to music.

انا بحب القراءة

Ana ba7eb el 2eraya

I like reading.

انا بحب الجري

Ana ba7eb el gary

I like running

انا بحب السباحة

Ana ba7eb el seba7a

I like swimming.

انا بحب الصيد

Ana ba7eb el seyd

I like fishing.

انا بحب اتفرج على افلام

Ana ba7eb atfarag 3la aflam

I like watching movies.

انا بحب اقعد على النت

Ana ba7eb a3od 3la el net

I like surfing the net.

انا بحب العزف

Ana ba7eb el 3azf

I like playing music.

انا بحب السفر

Ana ba7eb el safar

I like traveling.

انا بحب اقابل اصحابي

Ana ba7eb a2abel as7aby

I like meeting friends.

انا بحب التصوير

Ana ba7eb el tasweer

I like taking photographs.

So, tell me “Bete3mel a fee wa2t fra3`ak?”

نشاطي المفضل ..........

Nshaty el mofadul ……

My favorite activity is…

ايه اكتر حاجة بتحب تعملها؟

A aktar 7aga bet7eb te3melha?

What do you like doing best?

وقت فراغ

Wa2t el fara3'

The free time

انا بشجع ............

Ana bashaga3 .........

I'm a fan of…

ايه هواياتك؟

A hwayatak?

What are your hobbies?

بتعمل ايه في وقت فراغك؟

Bete3mel a fee wa2t fra3'ak?

What do you do in your free time?

Here are some more useful expressions…

انا بحب الزحلقة على الجليد

Ana ba7eb el za7la2a 3la el galeed

I like skiing.

انا بحب الغطس

Ana ba7eb el 3'ats

I like scuba diving.

انا بحب الزراعة

Ana ba7eb el zra3a

I like gardening.

انا بحب الرسم

Ana ba7eb el rasm

I like to paint

انا بحب الرقص

Ana ba7eb el ra2s

I like dancing.

انا بحب المشي

Ana ba7eb el mashy

I like walking.

انا بحب اروح المسرح

Ana ba7eb aro7 el masra7

I like going to the theater.

انا بحب السينما

Ana ba7eb aro7 el cinema

I like going to the cinema.

انا بحب اكل برة

Ana ba7eb akol barra

I like eating out.

انا بحب اروح الديسكو

Ana ba7eb aro7 el disco

I like night clubbing.

That’s it for this lesson. I hope you had fun!

Here are a few recommended Arabic lessons to try next!

!مع السلامة (Ma3a essalama!) Goodbye!

Amira Zaki: Rocket Arabic

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