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High quality, in-depth courses that work
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Frequently asked questions

Got a question? Here's the place to get answers! And if you can't find what you need, just send us an email. We'll get back to you personally!

Courses and pricing questions

I'm not a beginner - does Rocket have advanced courses?

Can I download lessons?

What languages can I learn with Rocket?

How much does each level cost?

What is in a typical Rocket Languages course?

Does Rocket Japanese align with the JLPT?

Can I try a course before buying it?

How long does my membership last?

Do you have a family discount?

Do you have a discount for schools or non-profit organizations?

Do you have a discount for businesses?

Login and account questions

How do I access my account?

I’ve purchased a course - how do I get access?

I bought a course a long time ago - do I still have access?

How do I view my account details and sales history?

Why can't I access my account?

How do I delete my account?

Payment and gift voucher questions

How do I purchase a course?

Why isn’t the payment page working?

Did my payment go through?

Did I pay for the course twice?

Can I give a Rocket Languages course as a gift?

Where can I redeem my gift voucher?

Can I pay from outside the United States?

Are my credit card details secure?

Why did my credit card decline?

I don’t have a credit card. How do I buy the course?

Can I pay in my local currency?

How do I get a refund?

Can I buy each level (beginner, intermediate, advanced) individually?

Free trial and email questions

Do you have any free language lessons?

How do I access my free trial?

What content will my free trial give me access to?

What are the Rocket Fuel emails?

How do I unsubscribe?

What is your privacy policy when it comes to my email address?

The Rocket Languages app

Why do I get an error message when trying to record myself on the app?

Do you have an iPhone or iPad app?

Do you have an Android app?

Are all the features available on the app?

Why can't I log into the app?

System and browser requirements

What are the computer system requirements?

Can I use the course on my iPad, iPhone, smartphone, or tablet?

I am using an Amazon tablet; why can’t I record my voice?

Which browser should I use?

I am using Chrome; why can’t I record my voice?

I am using Safari; why can’t I record my voice?

I am using Firefox; why can’t I record my voice?

I am using Edge; why can’t I record my voice?

Course functionality questions

Why can’t I record my voice?

How do the testing and activities work?

Why do I keep getting bad or inconsistent voice recognition ratings?

How do I slow down the audio playback speed?

Why is Rocket Record (voice recognition) cutting my recording off early?

How do I use the Role Playing activity?

What are hotkeys, and how do I use them?

Can I increase the font size?

I think there is an error in my course materials

Why can’t I see foreign characters/scripts?

How do I download the Audio lessons on the app?

How do I download/print the written text in the lessons?

How do the badges work?

How do I earn points?

Can I hide the romanization/pinyin/kana/rōmaji from my course?

Can't find your answer?