The team here at Rocket have been putting in some long hours to get the 2017 Edition of Rocket Languages across the line and I am excited to announce that it is now live! For current members the 2017 Edition is free as part of our "Free updates for life" policy. So, why not login and check it out today?
The major changes in the 2017 Edition are: 1. The Android app This has been fully updated with a new UX/UI interface that will make it much easier to use and get around!
We rebuilt the app from the ground up and have included full Rocket Record voice recognition technology.
You can download the latest app here:
It would be fantastic if you could leave a review of the app. The more people we get using it the more we can put into making it work even better!

Of course, if you already have the app then you will receive a notification, or it will auto-update after the new version has been approved. You should be able to check the status here. UPDATE! The latest version of the iOS app is now live!
We have also included full Rocket Record voice recognition on the iOS app! 3. The Desktop version The latest desktop version also has a new UX/UI, and a whole bunch of behind the scenes improvements to how the courses function. Note that we still recommend Chrome for full voice recognition. We are waiting on the likes of Firefox and Edge browsers to fully develop the speech to text functionality required for voice recognition.
As well as that, we have added the ability for members to add customized FlashCard sets, and made the Leaderboard real-time. The Apps: Stage 2 The next project we have is to bring more of the desktop functionality into the apps. This would include features like:
- The FlashCards
- The Leaderboard/Points system
- The Forum
- and My Vocab
- The Rocket Spanish Travelogue series
- The Rocket French Travelogue series
- The Rocket Russian Travelogue series
- Rocket Chinese Level 3 (To be launched Q1 2017)
- The Rocket Italian Travelogue series (To be launched Q1 2017)
- A full upgrade of Rocket Sign Language (To be live Q4 2016)
If you are signed up to one of our email lists then you will receive notification via email, otherwise just come back to the site on Monday afternoon.
All the best with your language learning!
Jason Oxenham
Rocket Languages