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Chinese Greetings

How many Chinese greetings do you know? After this free audio lesson for beginners you’ll know more than just a simple nǐ hǎo (你好)! In no time at all you’ll know some expressions for different times of day, and ways to greet new people and close friends.

Listen to the native speakers greeting each other, and then go ahead and practice saying each Chinese phrase aloud. Once you’re feeling confident with Chinese greetings you’ll learn some different ways to say goodbye in Chinese as well. It’s important to get the basics right, and the Mandarin Chinese-speaking people you meet will really appreciate your efforts. You know you’re saying it correctly if they keep talking, expecting you to keep up!

When you meet people for the first time and are introduced to them and have made some new friends, you should say nǐ hǎo (你好). It is a very efficient way to show your respect, break the ice and start a conversation. Whereas between close friends, you might as well start by saying jīntiān hǎo ma? (你今天好吗?) or zuìjìn zěnme yàng? (最近怎么样?), which means how are you today and how is it going recently.

Resources for further reading:

As Chinese is not that formal of a language compared to German or Japanese, you can choose which way you would like to greet people according to the occasions or who they are. Basically those are what you can use at any time of the day.

Hand shake - Chinese greetings

There are also some other ways of greeting, depending on what time of day it is. If you meet people in the morning, you can say shàngwǔ hǎo (上午好) (Good morning). If you meet people in the afternoon, you can say xiàwǔ hǎo (下午好) (Good afternoon). And if it is in the evening, you can say wǎnshang hǎo (晚上好) (Good evening).

Remember, those are used when you meet people and before starting a conversation. What do Chinese people say after the conversation? There are not as many choices. They normally say zàijiàn (再见), suitable for any time, any occasions. Or if it is late at night, people also say wǎn'ān (晚安), which means good night.

Pronouncing Chinese greetings

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Chinese pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!


nǐ hǎo


Smiling Chinese women - Greetings

As you have learned before, there are two ways of addressing someone in Chinese: a polite or formal way using 您 (nín) and a more casual way using 你 (). The same concept applies to greetings. Listen to the link below to hear Chinese greetings at different time of the day...


shàngwǔ hǎo

Good morning


xiàwǔ hǎo

Good afternoon


wǎnshang hǎo

Good evening



Good night

Nowadays, since China is opening up more and more to foreign countries, people have come to learn and adopt more and more Western culture. It has become quite common to use English greetings, like hi and bye bye, especially among young people, on casual occasions. Listen to the link below to hear some informal Chinese greetings...








Bye bye

Those are the greetings widely used by Chinese people nationwide. Sometimes, between really close friends, when they see each other, instead of the usual greetings we have mentioned above, they might as well say chīlema? (吃了吗?) It literally means have you had your meal?

You might feel it is weird, wondering why they would like to know whether people have had their meals and even use that as a greeting. It is just a part of Chinese culture for people to show their concern for their close friends and express their hospitality at all times. This also shows how big a deal gastronomy is in Chinese culture.

If they receive méi yǒu (没 有) (No, I haven't had my meal yet) as an answer, they might offer a meal with the friend. But normally people will reply with chī le (吃 了) (Yes, I had) because they know their friends will offer if they say méi yǒu 没有() and they simply don't want to bother their friends.


Chī le ma?

Have you had your meal?


Chī le。

Yes, I have.



No, I haven't.

Or similar to that, you might hear people asking chī****bǎo le ma? (吃饱了吗?) (Did you have enough?) when they meet you. You can reply chī****bǎo le (吃饱了) (Yes, I had enough). Once again, remember that those are only used between close friends. People will feel so weird if you use those as greetings when you just got to know them, in which case you should use formal ways to greet them. If you are unsure, always use hǎo (你好).

Chinese food


Chībǎo le ma?

Did you have enough to eat?


Chībǎo le。

Yes, I had enough.

As for saying goodbye, we also have different choices besides bāibai (掰掰). Let's listen to some casual farewells...


Yīhuǐ'er jiàn!

See you soon!


Huítóu jiàn!

See you later!



See you again!

That's it for today's lesson. Using different greetings will make you sound more fluent, so try to remember as many as you can.

If you want more lessons on Chinese salutations then I recommend that you check out the following:

回头见!Huítóu jiàn!

Lin Ping: Rocket Chinese

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