am still in my second lesson,so i wanna listen to the explanation in english,bt it's not working,any idea or solution ?
Thank you.
audio listening

January 15, 2011

January 25, 2011
Hi Natalie,
You will need to have Adobe Flash Player installed on your computer in order to listen to the online audio in the members area. To download Flash Player for free, please click on the following link:
I also recommend that you use Firefox to access the Members Area - it seems that Firefox is a more compatible browser with our site.
I hope these suggestions help! If not, please email our support team at
- Nikita

January 27, 2011
The introduction audio does not fully load and only loads to 4:22 instead of the full 18:50. After downloading the mp3 version which says it's 11MB it does the same. Any suggestions?

February 11, 2011
Nadia, you should be able to listen to the audio through your web browser with no problem
When downloading the file so I can have them available to play in my car or on my MP3 player, I have had the same trouble you are having. I had to make several attempts to download the files before they download completely. I've been trying to download lesson 1.4 for 3 days.
It's a real drag.

February 13, 2011
mai hindi may achchi bath kar nahi hu, so plz hindi may bath kar sikho hai naa plz

March 31, 2013
hindi thodi muskil sikhana hai.