


hello Nikita I just wonder if you can post difrent greetings. Like: "Whats Up" or "Whats cracking" more slang type of greetings. Alexander


Hi Alex! Thank you for your post. That's a great question. In Hindi we don't have tons of informal greetings like in English. Here are a few though: “kyaa chal rahaa hai” is equivalent to “what’s up” and can be used between friends . “kyaa haal hai”, “kyaa ho rahaa hai”, “kyaa baath hai” are also similar informal expressions which can be used as greeting between friends. Keep in mind that in Hindi such phrases are not used to greet elders. I hope this helps! All the best for your Hindi learning!


how can i print my lesson, I managed to print off the extra words to learn them without going onto computer from the very first lesson but cannot do this for the 1.1 lesson. What am i doing wrong


Hello Anne, Sorry for the late reply! If you haven't already figured it out, you can print the transcripts for the audio lessons by clicking on the Print icon in the top right hand corner of the page. I hope that helps! - Nikita


i printed the trainscripts of the cds on a usb but they dont go up to 8.5 only 7.2 why is that.

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