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I would like a better understanding of.....




I am going through 1.2 Going for Coffee module. Please look at the below two sentances before I ask my question :-)

I’d like a cup of coffee with milk and sugar - maĩ dūdha aura śakkara sahita kōfī lēnā pasanda karū̃gā

Would you like coffee with milk ?                  -   kyā āpa kōfī mē̃ dūdha lēnā pasanda karēngē?


The first sentance structure makes sense to me in terms of the order of words "dūdha aura śakkara sahita kōfī"

But why in the second sentance does the order go "kōfī mē̃ dūdha" and also there is no use of the word "sahita" which I thought meant 'With"?


Therefore: How would you construct the below question in Hindi? 

Would you like a cup of coffee with milk and sugar? 

Is either of the bottom two sentance structures correct? 

kyā āpa dūdha aura śakkara sahita kōfī lēnā pasanda karū̃gā ?


 kyā āpa kōfī mē̃ dūdha aura śakkara lēnā pasanda karū̃gā ?


Any help would be greatly appreciated in understanding this better. Thank you







hi Joel

Both versions of the sentences that you mentioned are right. Most people would use it in the later way though ( kyā āpa kōfī mē̃ dūdha aura śakkara lēnā pasanda karenge ?).
sahita means 'with' but 'mē̃ ' also means 'with'. they are words describing the same thing. 

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