Is Namaste hello as well as goodbye?

Rachel Lloyd
December 11, 2012

December 17, 2012
Namaskar Elijah L
I think that Namaskar is used to greet someone and Namaste to say goodbye.

Rachel Lloyd
December 30, 2012

December 30, 2012
Hi Elijah,
From my dictionary, the root "namas" for both words means "bowing" or "greeting" and comes from the Sanskrit. Both words can be translated "I bow to you" and are suitable for either "hello" or "goodbye." After reviewing a number of web sites, I see that there may be some more subtle spiritual differences in meaning between the two words, but most sites indicate that they can be used interchangeably as a form of greeting.

February 4, 2013
Namaste is both hello and goodbye. Namaskar is more polite/respectful form of Namaste.

February 10, 2013
i believe that namaste can mean many things, such as hello, goodbye, good morning and good evening...

March 17, 2013
i think namaste and namaskar both mean hello goodbye ect but alvida sounds better or ram ram for goodbye

March 31, 2013
shubh dhin

September 21, 2013
Hi Davit Iskandaryan,
I would like to reply to your commend:
शुभ śubh = auspicious
दिन din= day
शुभ दिन śubh din = good day.
dhin is an incorrect transliteration. Din is a correct transliteration. You'll see both spelling in the lessions.
द = d in latin alphabet. dental d without an h sound or unaspirated.
If we transliterate dhin back into Hindi, it would be धिन not दिन.
namaste, namaskār and phir milēge can be used for goodbye.
Thank you for sharing on Forum. Have fun learning Hindi!