


I notice that the method used to transliterate the conversation is different from the extra vocabulary. I'm a visual learner and I need to "see" it to know it. I'm also confused with the various ways in which the transliteration indicates sound difference like the capital AO following "hoo". I believe this is an indicator to make the sound nasal. Is there a general guide as to these indicators and why does the extra vocab use a different form? Also difference between the use of "haiN" and "hooN". Is the "kya" in Kya aap Angrezi bote hain? a question indicator? sorry for all the questions but I am very interested in learning. I wonder however the wisdom of so many new addition vocab words and phrases thrown into the conversation. Gets a bit overwhelming. Thanks so much for your help.


I do know that when Kya is at the beginning, it is pretty much always a yes or no question. It literally means "what", but when you what to use it as "what" it's inside the sentence, like "Aapka naam KYA haim?" There it's used as "what" as in "what is your name?"


Thanks for your reply. Makes sense I guess. Just that the romanized version of "what" in aap ka naam KYAA haim? in the conversation had two "a's" and only one in the Extra vocabulary - Kya aap Hindi bolte hain? Sorry to be so precise but it goes to my question as to why there are two versions of the romanized spelling in the same lesson. I'll just go with your explanation Thanks again. I'm still interested however in the rules of romanization, however.


about hai and hoo in ma informtaion i think hoon used as this main boltee hoon : mean its a present tense but with main i mean with i in english But hain used like this wo boltee hain : mean its a present tense but with wo as he or she in english i hope its right thank you


@John L Unfortunately, There are no rules for Hindi translation. I am also a visual learner, however I taught myself the Hindi script using an online tutorial program that I posted in one of my other posts. I still use the romanised format when speaking to my Indian mates, however I use a different format from what is used here. Untimely, you either have to learn to live with the sound of words and go of that, learn the Hindi script (took me 2-3 days) or learn multiple methods of writing in English letters. Just to clear up a few of your other concerns that other have kinda answered kyaa and kya are exactly the same, (it is generally written as kya). generally, if you have a at the end of a hindi word, it will be the aa sound, however generally written as just a. hain = auxiliary verb that is plural SO this is paired with plural subjects, such as ve (often pronounced as vo) and ye, also if you are talking about multiples of an object, so mere paas chabiya hain - I have keys. (Just to note, hai is the singular and goes with singular subjects) huu (or posted here as hoon) goes with the subject "main" meaning I. simply use huu or hoon when you are using main as the subject eg main skuul jata huu - I go to school. Hope this helps!


do you have a translate website?


Hello everyone! Thanks Nathan for all your help :) Unfortunately we don't have a translation service buy you might find Google Translate helpful for translation simple words or phrases: All the best!


mujhe points chaiye. mujhe likhane thordi boring hai.mujhe points deejiye.

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