In lesson 3.6 the sentence "Bullet trains are faster than cars" and "Bullet trains are fast" both use 速い for はやい.
Another book I used taught me that the kanji for はやい (fast) is 早い .
When I use Google translate, 新幹線は車より速いです and 新幹線は車より早いです both translate to exactly the same thing - The bullet train is faster than a car.
Is there any difference between the meaning or usage of these two Kanji?
Another book I used taught me that the kanji for はやい (fast) is 早い .
When I use Google translate, 新幹線は車より速いです and 新幹線は車より早いです both translate to exactly the same thing - The bullet train is faster than a car.
Is there any difference between the meaning or usage of these two Kanji?