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Sports in French

If you want to talk about sports in French, this free lesson with audio is for you! Listen carefully to the French pronunciation of sport, as the word is spelt the same but said differently. And make sure you practice saying all the French words and phrases aloud.

Perhaps you want to play sport in France or join a conversation with French-speaking people. Either way, learning these sports words in French will get you started!

Resources for further reading:

French vollyball players

Talking about Sports in French

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your French pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!

Faire un sport

To do a sport

Jouer à quelque chose

To play something

Faire du vélo

To cycle

Jouer au volley

To play volleyball

Sports in French phrases

Nous allons jouer au foot

We are going to play football (soccer)

Va faire du vélo, il fait beau !

Go do some cycling, it's a fine day!

Quand vas-tu faire de la natation ?

When are you going to swim?

C'est où le match ?

Where is the game?

Jouez-vous au tennis ?

Do you play tennis?

Even more French sports phrases!

J'aime jouer au rugby en hiver

I like to play rugby in winter

Aller à la pêche

To go fishing

Est-ce que tu fais du sport ?

Do you do sport?

Faire de l'escalade

To go climbing

Faire de la randonnée


Faire du saut à l'élastique

To bungy jump

Faire du VTT

To mountain bike

Faire du snowboard

To snowboard

Imagine you are watching a game somewhere in France. This is what you might hear people around you saying about a soccer match!

French soccer player

Fais une passe !

Pass the ball!

C'est nul !

Bad move!

Immanquable !

Can't believe you missed that!

If you want more French lessons on hobbies and activities then why not try this lesson on music in French. It's also worth knowing how to talk about the weather in French when participating in outdoor activities!

À bientôt!

Marie-Claire Rivière and the Rocket French Team

Make It Stick With Rocket Reinforcement

Reinforce your learning from this lesson with the Rocket Reinforcement activities! These activities are scientifically designed to improve your knowledge and retention of French.