French Time

These free French language lessons are all about learning French time, days and months. By listening to the audio, and practicing the French words and phrases about time aloud, you’ll quickly learn how to ask for the time and tell others what time it is.

By the end of these lessons you’ll be able to set up a meeting, appointment, or date in French, and be sure that you will be on time in France!

Telling the Time in French

Want to tell the time in French? After this free French audio lesson you'll know how to talk about different times of day in French and you'll get some French pronunciation practice as well.

Days in French

Discover how to pronounce the days in French with this free audio lesson. As a bonus, learn the seasons in French as well! Make sure you do the tests at the end of the lesson.

Months in French

After learning the days it would be a good idea to learn the months in French as well. Use this free French audio lesson to get your pronunciation right.

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your French pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!

French time phrases

Quelle heure est-il ?

What time is it ?

Est-ce que vous avez l'heure ?

Do you have the time? (Formal)

Est-ce que tu as l'heure ?

Do you have the time? (informal)

And you may get as an answer…

Oui bien sûr…

Yes of course…

Il est huit heures.

It is 8 o'clock.

Il est neuf heures et demie.

It is 930am.

Il est dix heures et quart.

It's quarter past ten

Il est une heure moins le quart.

It is quarter to one.

Non, désolé(e).

No, sorry

It is almost like in English, so you should learn your French time phrases well and the rest will come easily. Now you will learn some phrases about an appointment “un rendez vous”, so you know what to say when going to the doctor or to meet with a friend .

Est-ce que vous avez un rendez vous ?

Do you have an appointment?

Quand est-ce que vous voulez un rendez vous avec le docteur ?

When do you want to have an appointment with the doctor?

Quand est-ce que vous voulez que l'on se voit ?

When do you want to meet? (formal)

Quand est-ce que tu veux que l'on se voit ?

When do you want to meet? (informal)

And you may want to know how to have someone repeat when your appointment is…

Quand est-ce que j'ai mon rendez vous ?

When do I have my appointment?

Quand est-ce que l'on se revoit ?

When are we meeting again?

Here's some more useful vocabulary relating to French time…

La montre.

The watch


The clock


An appointment

Une réunion.

A meeting

Un rendez-vous amoureux.

A date

Etre à l'heure.

To be on time

Etre en retard.

To be late

À bientôt !

Marie-Claire Rivière and the Rocket French Team

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Rocket Reinforcement activities



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