Feelings in German

Want to say how you really feel – in German? This free audio lesson is for you! Maybe you’d like to get to know native speakers better, and for them to learn more about you. One thing’s for sure – we all need to express our emotions, and without knowing the right words this can be frustrating in a new language.

After this lesson you’ll be able to say in German that you’re happy, in a hurry, busy or worried. Maybe the German speaker you’re talking to is angry, or frightened, or just a bit tired. Being able to express these feelings in German to the people around you is important - for them and for you. I really encourage you to take the time to learn these German words and phrases - you’ll be pleased you did!

Resources for further reading:

Pronouncing your feelings in German

I'm happy in German

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your German pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!

Ich bin zufrieden.

I'm content.

Ich bin ausgeglichen.

I feel balanced.

Ich bin in Eile.

I'm in a hurry.

Ich schäme mich.

I'm embarrassed.

Ich bin traurig.

I'm sad.

Ich bin ruhig.

I'm calm.

Ich bin überrascht.

I'm surprised.

Ich bin wütend.

I'm furious.

Ich bin besorgt.

I'm worried.

Ich bin beschäftigt.

I'm busy.

Ich bin nervös.

I'm nervous.

Ich bin glücklich.

I'm happy.

Ich bin verblüfft.

I'm amazed.

Ich bin eifersüchtig.

I'm jealous.

Ich fühle mich lebendig.

I feel alive.

Ich bin sauer.

I'm angry.

Ich bin erschrocken.

I'm frightened.

Ich bin aufgeregt.

I'm excited.

Ich bin müde.

I'm tired.

Mir ist langweilig.

I'm bored.

Ich bin verliebt.

I'm in love.

Here are a few recommended German lessons to try next!

Bis bald!

Paul Weber: Rocket German

Make It Stick With Rocket Reinforcement

Reinforce your learning from this lesson with the Rocket Reinforcement activities!

Rocket Reinforcement activities



Hear It Say It!


Write It!


Know It!
