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What in Hindi

Here are some essential "what" in Hindi phrases to know before you travel. What time is it? What size do you want? What would you like to order? After this free audio lesson you’ll know how to ask 'what' in Hindi, and some other useful vocabulary.

Listen to the pronunciation, and practice these common what questions in Hindi aloud. We’ve made it real easy to follow and you'll never have an excuse to be late in India.

Resources for further reading:

Pronouncing "What" in Hindi

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Hindi pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!




किस लिए?

Kisa lie?

What for?

यह क्या है?

Yaha kyā hai?

What is this?

समय क्या है?

Samaya kyā hai?

What time is it?

क्या वक्त हुआ है?

Kyā vakta huā hai?

What time is it?

कब के लिए?

Kaba ke lie?

For what time?

आपका नाम क्या है?

Āpakā nāma kyā hai?

What's your name?

आप क्या काम करते हैं?

Āpa kyā kāma karate hain?

What do you do for a living?

तुम आज क्या करना चाहती हो?

Tuma āja kyā karanā cāhatī hō?

What do you want to do today?

आपको किस नाप का चाहिए?

Āpako kisa nāpa kā cāhie?

What size do you want?

आप क्या आर्डर करना चाहेंगे?

Āpa kyā ārḍara karanā cāheṃge?

What would you like to order?

आपके खयाल से क्या अच्छा है?

Āpake khayāla se kyā acchā hai?

What can you recommend?

वे क्या कर रहें हैं?

Ve kyā kara raheṃ hain?

What are they doing?

क्या खबर है?

Kyā khabara hai?

What's the news?

क्या मतलब है?

Kyā matalaba hai?

What do (you) mean / What does (it) mean?

उससे तुम्हारा क्या मतलब है?

Usase tumhārā kyā matalaba hai?

What do you (informal) mean?

उनका नाम क्या है?

Unakā nāma kyā hai?

What's his name?

उसकी कीमत क्या है?

Usakī kīmata kyā hai?

What does that cost?

आप की आयु कितनी है?

Āpa kī āyu kitanī hai?

How old are you? (lit. What is your age?)

आप क्या काम करते हैं?

Āpa kyā kāma karate haiṃ?

What do you do for a living?

तुम आज क्या करना चाहती हो?

Tuma āja kyā karanā cāhatī ho?

What do you want to do today?

Find out all about asking Hindi questions in this series of lessons. Make sure you listen to the audio and practice your Hindi pronunciation. And do the Hindi tests at the end of each lesson to reinforce your knowledge of Hindi questions!

फिर मिलेंगे (phir milenge),

Nikita Sharma: Rocket Hindi

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