Shopping in Hindi

How do you ask how much something costs in Hindi? How do you explain you’re looking for an ATM? What could be better travel preparation than a free lesson on shopping in Hindi?

We’ll teach you how to find your way around a shopping center, ask for what you want, and how to pay in Hindi. Need a larger size? Looking for a supermarket? No problem. You can master this essential travel Hindi by listening to the pronunciation on the audio and practicing the Hindi words and phrases aloud. And don’t be shy - shopping in India will be a lot more fun after this Rocket Hindi lesson!

Resources for further reading:

Pronouncing shopping words in Hindi

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Hindi pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!

डाक घर

ḍāka ghara

The post office



The butcher

हार्डवेयर की दुकान / हार्डवेयर स्टोर

hārḍaveyara kī dukāna / hārḍaveyara sṭora

The hardware store

कपड़ों की दुकान

kapaḍa़oṃ kī dukāna

The clothing store

संगीत स्टोर/ संगीत की दुकान

saṃgīta sṭora/ saṃgīta kī dukāna

The music store

पेस्ट्री शॉप

pesṭrī śāpa

The pastry shop



The bakery



The store

किताबों की दुकान

kitāboṃ kī dukāna

The bookstore



The pharmacy

सुपर मार्केट

supara mārkeṭa

The supermarket



The market

शॉपिंग सेंटर

śāpiṃga seṃṭara

The shopping centre



The optician

Talking about fabric in Hindi

Once you’ve found the right shop, you need to find what you’re looking for. Use the following words and phrases to find what you need, figure out how much it costs and tell the sales assistant how many you want…

मैं ... ढूंढ़ रही हूँ / रहा हूँ

maiṃ ... ḍhūṃḍha़ rahī hūn / rahā hūn

I'm looking for…

आपके पास .... है?

āpake pāsa .... hai?

Do you have...

यह कितने का है?

yaha kitane kā hai?

How much does it cost?

आपके पास और है?

āpake pāsa aura hai?

Do you have more?

वह किस नाप की है?

vaha kisa nāpa kī hai?

What's that size?

मैं पहनकर देखना चाहता हूँ / चाहती हूँ / मुझे यह ट्राइ करना है।

maiṃ pahanakara dekhanā cāhatā hūm̐ / cāhatī hūm̐ / mujhe yaha ṭrāi karanā hai।

I'd like to try it on.

कपड़े बदलने के कमरे कहाँ है?

kapaḍa़e badalane ke kamare kahān hai?

Where are the changing rooms?

मैं लूंगा / लूंगी

maiṃ lūṃgā / lūṃgī

I'll take it.

Here are some more useful questions and answers…

आपको किस नाप का चाहिए?

āpako kisa nāpa kā cāhie?

What size do you want?

आप पर अच्छा लग रहा है

āpa para acchā laga rahā hai

It suits you

अच्छा लग रहा है

acchā laga rahā hai

It looks good.

मुझे पसंद है

mujhe pasaṃda hai

I like it.

और बड़ा साइज़

aura baḍa़ā sāija़

An extra large size

बड़ा साइज़

baḍa़ā sāija़

A large size

मध्यम साइज़

madhyama sāija़

A medium size

छोटा साइज़

choṭā sāija़

A small size

नाप / साइज़

Nāpa/ sāija़

The size

āpa para acchā nahīṃ laga rahā hai / yaha āpa ke anurūpa nahīṃ hai

Āp par achhā nahee lag rahā hai ̍ Yah āp ke anuroop nahee hai

It doesn't suit you.

Here are the words for some items you might be looking for…



The sweater



The tights

चोली / ब्लाउज़

colī / blāuja़

The blouse



The tie

कुर्ता / क़मीज़

kurtā / ka़mīja़

The shirt



The coat



The shoes



The jacket

निकर / शॉर्ट्स

nikara / śārṭsa

The shorts



The bra



The underwear



The trousers



The handbag

घाघरा / स्कर्ट

ghāgharā / skarṭa

The skirt



The t-shirt



The dress



The socks

Buying fabric in Hindi

Once you found what you were looking for, you’ll need to pay.

कृपया काउंटर पर पैसे दें

kṛpayā kāuṃṭara para paise deṃ

Please pay at the checkout/ counter

कृपया यहां दस्तखत कीजिए

kṛpayā yahāṃ dastakhata kījie

Please sign here.

कृपया अपना पिन टाइप करें

kṛpayā apanā pina ṭāipa kareṃ

Please type in your PIN.

यहां नज़दीक में एटीएम कहा है?

yahāṃ naja़dīka meṃ eṭīema kahā hai?

Where is the closest ATM?

हम क्रेडिट कार्ड स्वीकार नहीं करते हैं

hama kreḍiṭa kārḍa svīkāra nahīṃ karate haiṃ

We don't accept credit cards.

आपका क्रेडिट कार्ड नम्बर क्या है?

āpakā kreḍiṭa kārḍa nambara kyā hai?

What is your credit card number?

क्या मैं ट्रैवलर्स चेक से भुगतान कर सकता हूँ?

kyā maiṃ ṭraivalarsa ceka se bhugatāna kara sakatā hūn?

Can I pay with/ by travelers checks?

मैं डेबिट कार्ड के साथ भुगतान करना चाहता हूं / चाहूँगा

maiṃ ḍebiṭa kārḍa ke sātha bhugatāna karanā cāhatā hūṃ / cāhūngā

I'd like to pay with my debit card, please.

मैं कैश देना चाहूँगा

maiṃ kaiśa denā cāhūngā

I'd like to pay with cash, please.

मैं क्रेडिट कार्ड से भुगतान करना चाहूँगा / चाहता हूं

maiṃ kreḍiṭa kārḍa se bhugatāna karanā cāhūngā / cāhatā hūn

I'd like to pay by credit card.

यह रही आपकी रसीद

yaha rahī āpakī rasīda

Here is your receipt.

That’s it for this lesson. Happy shopping!

For more lessons on Hindi vocabulary I recommend these!

फिर मिलेंगे (phir milenge),

Nikita Sharma: Rocket Hindi

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