Learn Italian Online

Listen to the audio version of "Learn Italian Online"


Learn Italian online with Rocket Italian

Whether you just want to learn a few Italian words and phrases, or you want to go further, we’ve got the answers to all your Italian language questions! We're talking great tools, great tips, audio lessons, and the inside word on how to speak Italian confidently and understand the Italian language quickly and effectively... Rocket Italian has it all!

Right here you can practice your first Italian conversation and listen to an interactive audio lesson. As a next step, sign up for our completely free, lifetime trial to unlock 10 full Italian lessons. Learn Italian online with Rocket Italian and get your point across when traveling to Italy!

Resources for further reading:

Improve your Italian pronunciation

Tricks to becoming conversational in Italian fast

Lago di Garda, Italy - Learn Italian Online, Rocket Italian

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Italian pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!

Try it here with the transcript​ from one of our Audio Lessons:

Ciao Maria.

Hi Maria.

Ciao Alessandro, come stai?

Hi Alex, how are you?

Bene grazie, e tu?

I'm good, thank you, and you?

Bene anche io,

I'm good too,


thank you.

Rocket Record allows you to listen to the way native speakers say hundreds of Italian words and phrases. Then you can record yourself and accurately compare your speech with that of the native speaker.

It really is a fantastic way to learn Italian by increasing the amount of Italian vocabulary you know**, and at the same time massively improving your Italian pronunciation and accent.** Rocket Record is great for your confidence!

Virtually every Italian word and phrase in these lessons uses our Rocket Record voice comparison technology to get your pronunciation sounding as close as possible to a native Italian speaker.

Remember what you have learned

Most of our Italian lessons take advantage of the Testing section, which contains our exclusive testing tools. Testing has three testing components, Hear It! Say It!, Write It!, and Know It! all scientifically designed to enhance your recall and understanding of spoken Italian.

1. Hear It! Say It!

Training your ear for Italian can be one of the things that Italian learners find the hardest to master. That’s why we came up with Hear It! Say It!

Here’s how Hear It! Say It! works. A randomly selected audio track from within each lesson is played. After listening to the track you’re prompted to record yourself saying the word, compare the way you say it to the Italian speaker, and rate how well you understand what the speaker was saying. A very powerful tool to tune your ear to spoken Italian!

Have a go with Hear It! Say It! Here:

Try it out!

2. Write It!

It's one thing being able to pronounce Italian words correctly, it's quite another figuring out how those sounds turn into written words.

Write It! is the self-testing tool that lets you find out how well developed your Italian ear really is. Just listen to the native speaker saying a word or phrase, then try to write it correctly in the space provided. There's a special character keyboard available if you need it, so you can get it exactly right.

When you're done click reveal, and you get to see how well you did, and get a rating for that word or phrase.

Test your writing skills with Write It! here:

Try it out!

3. Know It!

Now, all the training in the world won’t help you if someone is talking to you in Italian and your mind freezes when it’s your turn to speak! That’s why we developed Know It! The self-testing tool that really puts you on the spot!

Know It! pulls randomly selected English words and phrases out of each lesson and prompts you to record yourself saying the Italian translation, compare yourself to the Italian speaker, and then rate how well you did! You really need to know your stuff for this one but the benefits are huge in maximizing how quickly you can come up with the right thing to say when someone is speaking Italian to you!

For a real challenge try out Know It!:

Try it out!

What comes next?

When you're ready to take your Italian learning to the next level Rocket Italian has just the right course for you:

You can hear the first Audio Lesson from Rocket Italian Level 1 here:


Make It Stick With Rocket Reinforcement

Reinforce your learning from this lesson with the Rocket Reinforcement activities!

Rocket Reinforcement activities



Hear It Say It!


Write It!


Know It!
