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Hobbies in Italian

How do you tell people what you like to do in Italian? In this free audio lesson you’ll learn how to say “I like” in Italian. Whether it’s football, opera, dining out, or reading the latest novel, you’ll learn how to speak about hobbies in Italian, and things you enjoy.

Talking about shared interests is a great way to establish common ground. Being able to talk about yourself and ask about others in Italian will help you make friends - and make the conversation more interesting!

Resources for further reading:

Talking about hobbies in Italian

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Italian pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!

La mia occupazione preferita è….

My favorite occupation is...

Che cosa ti piace fare di più?

What do you like doing best?

Il tempo libero

Free time

Sono un'ammiratrice di...

I'm a fan (feminine) of...

Quali sono i tuoi hobby?

What are your hobbies?

Che cosa fai nel tempo libero?

What do you do in your free time?

Mi piace giocare a calcio.

So, tell me "che cosa fai tu nel tuo tempo libero?"

Mi piace cantare.

I like singing.

Mi piace cucinare.

I like cooking.

Mi piace giocare a calcio.

I like playing soccer.

Mi piace giocare a pallacanestro.

I like playing basketball.

Mi piace ascoltare musica.

I like listening to music.

Mi piace leggere.

I like reading.

Mi piace correre.

I like running.

Mi piace nuotare.

I like swimming.

Mi piace pescare.

I like fishing.

Mi piace guardare film.

I like watching movies.

Mi piace navigare in internet.

I like surfing the net.

Mi piace suonare musica.

I like playing music.

Mi piace viaggiare.

I like traveling.

Mi piace incontrare amici.

I like meeting friends.

Mi piace fare fotografie.

I like taking photographs.

Here are some more useful expressions about hobbies in Italian…

Mi piace sciare.

I like skiing.

Mi piace fare immersioni.

I like scuba diving.

Mi piace fare giardinaggio.

I like gardening.

Mi piace rilassarmi.

I like to relax.

Mi piace ballare.

I like dancing.

Mi piace camminare.

I like walking.

Mi piace andare a teatro.

I like going to the theater.

Mi piace andare al cinema.

I like going to the cinema.

Mi piace mangiare fuori.

I like eating out.

Mi piace andare in discoteca.

I like night-clubbing.

Jet ski on an Italian lake

Here are a few recommended Italian lessons to try next!

A presto!

Maria DiLorenzi and the Rocket Italian Team

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