How do you talk about the weather in Italian? Whether you’re enjoying the sunshine, snow, or something in between, this free audio lesson will teach you tons of Italian words you can use in conversation.
Whether you’re traveling in Italy or heading somewhere closer to home with native Italian speakers, the Rocket Italian team will teach you how to ask about the climate and the current weather conditions in Italian.
It’s good to be prepared and know what to expect, so let’s get started!
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Quali sono le previsioni del tempo per oggi?
What's the weather forecast for today?
Quali sono le previsioni del tempo per questa settimana?
What's the weather forecast for this week?
Com'è il tempo?
How's the weather?
Che tempo fa?
What's the weather like?
Che tempo fa fuori?
What's it like outside?
There are a lot of possible answers to that question. Here are the most common ones…
Fa caldo.
It's warm.
Fa freddo.
It's cold.
È ventoso.
It's windy
È burrascoso.
It's stormy.
Fa caldo.
It's hot.
È soleggiato.
It's sunny.
È sereno.
It's clear.
È nuvoloso.
It's cloudy.
È piacevole.
It's nice.
È freddissimo.
It's icy.
È umido.
It's humid.
You can use the word “molto” (very) for all of the above phrases to emphasize that it's not just cold or warm, but very cold or very warm.
For example:
Fa molto freddo.
It's very cold.
Fa molto caldo.
It's very warm.
Fa caldissimo.
It's very hot.
Fa freddissimo.
It's very icy.
When talking about rain you can use the following expressions …
Sta piovendo or Piove.
It's raining.
È piovoso.
It's rainy.
For a farmer rain might be all he needs, whereas a soccer team might be hoping for a sunny day. Here are some more general answers.
Fa cattivo tempo.
It's miserable weather.
Fa bel tempo
It's good weather.
È brutto tempo.
It's bad weather.
È bel tempo.
It's beautiful weather.
Fa un tempo orribile.
It's terrible weather.
If you are planning to travel to Italy, Switzerland or Austria during the winter time, you'll definitely need to know the next two sentences. Let me assure you, there will be plenty of opportunities to use them.
Sta nevicando or Nevica.
It's snowing
Fa un freddo gelido.
It's icy cold
Here are some more words that describe certain weather conditions…
The rainbow
La grandine
The hail
La pioggia
The rain
Il tuono
The thunder
Il temporale
The thunderstorm
Il lampo
The lightning
Il terremoto
The earthquake
La tempesta
The storm
The hurricane
La temperatura
The temperature
La nebbia
The fog
The flood
Il ghiaccio
The ice
La neve
The snow
Il fiocco di neve
The snowflake
La nuvola
The cloud
Here are a few recommended Italian lessons to try next!
A presto!
Maria DiLorenzi and the Rocket Italian Team
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