When in Italian and Where in Italian

How do you say When in Italian? How about Where in Italian? After this free Italian audio lesson you'll know how to get the answers you need! Listen to the Italian pronunciation and practice saying these Italian questions aloud. You'll never have an excuse to be late again!

Resources for further reading:

How to use When? in Italian

Let's get started...

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Italian pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!

Quando è aperto il museo?

When is the museum open?

Quando è chiuso il museo?

When is the museum closed?

Quando è aperto il supermercato?

When is the supermarket open?

Quando è aperta la farmacia?

When is the pharmacy open?

Quando parte l’autobus?

When does the bus leave?

Quando parte il treno?

When does the train leave?

Quando parte il volo?

When does the flight leave?

Quando arriva l’autobus?

When does the bus arrive?

Quando arriva il treno?

When does the train arrive?

Quando arriva il volo?

When does the flight arrive?

Quando ci fermiamo?

When do we stop?

Quando facciamo una pausa?

When do we have a break?

Quando comincia il film?

When does the movie start?

Quando comincia lo spettacolo?

When does the show start?

Quando comincia la partita?

When does the game start?

How to use Where? in Italian

One of the first questions you might want to ask when arriving in an unfamiliar city could be…

Dove si trova l’ufficio informazioni per turisti?

Where can I find the tourist information center?

Some smaller cities in Italy don’t have tourist information centers. You might have to rely on asking the locals. Here are some useful questions you might need:

Dove si trova

Where is

Dove si trova il museo?

Where is the museum?

Dove si trova la mostra d’arte?

Where is the art exhibition?

Dove si trova l’ufficio oggetti smarriti?

Where is the lost property office?

Dove si trova la stazione ferroviaria?

Where is the train station?

Dove si trova la fermata dell’autobus?

Where is the bus stop?

Dove si trova l’ospedale?

Where is the hospital?

Dove si trova un medico?

Where is a doctor?

Dove si trova un bagno pubblico?

Where is a public restroom?

Dove si trova una banca?

Where is a bank?

Credit cards are widely accepted in Italy as they are in England or America for example, but you might still need to exchange some money for smaller purchases.

Dove posso cambiare i soldi?

Where can I exchange money?

Dove posso trovare uno sportello per il cambio?

Where can I find a money exchange counter?

That’s it for today. I hope you enjoyed this lesson on using When? and Where? in Italian!

For more on the use of Italian questions check out these lessons...

A presto!

Maria DiLorenzi and the Rocket Italian Team

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