Japanese Script Writer (Remote)

Looking for work? Find out more about working with us as a Japanese Script Writer.

Japanese Script Writer (In-house)

We are looking for a native English writer who is fluent in Japanese to write scripts for 45 podcast-style Japanese audio lessons.

Each lesson covers a Japanese conversation between two characters in a specific setting or situation. The goals of these lessons are to:

  • increase fluency and confidence
  • increase vocabulary
  • reinforce existing language skills
  • provide valuable insight into everyday life and cultural realities

Our ideal candidate would have:

  • An excellent native command of English (US).
  • Excellent English-writing skills.
  • Advanced Japanese language skills (at least JLPT N2).
  • A familiarity with JLPT.
  • A passion for Japanese language and culture.
  • Language-teaching experience.
  • The ability to write in a clear and engaging way.
  • A keen eye for detail, structure and logic.
  • An understanding and passion for processes and quality.
  • A familiarity with tracking changes in Google Docs.

We will provide comprehensive briefs, resources, and training to the successful applicant, including style guides and topics.

Note that a remote position may be considered for stand out applicants.

The hiring process:

  • Send your resume to: careers@rocketlanguages.com Include a sample of your writing, or follow the sample instructions below. If successful, we will schedule an in-person interview. The successful candidate will be contacted directly.

Sample writing instructions:

Please provide a breakdown of the following sample Japanese conversation between Shota and a hotel receptionist. Include:

  • The translation of each word.
  • Romanization in brackets.
  • Any relevant grammatical explanations.
  • Any relevant cultural insights.

Sample conversation:

Receptionist: はい、こちらが神戸ハーバービューホテルでございます。

Shota: あのう、部屋を予約したいのですが。

Receptionist: いつからお泊りになりますか?

Shota: 5 月 1 日から 2 泊です。

Receptionist. 何名様ですか?

Shota: 1 人です。

Receptionist: かしこまりました。お名前を頂けますか?

Shota: 鈴木翔太と申します。