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At the Airport in Portuguese

If you want to travel by air in Brazil, you need to know what to say at the Airport in Portuguese. This lesson will teach you some helpful words and phrases to make your journey smoother.

You’ll learn how to find the departure hall, ask for a window seat, and find out when your flight is boarding - Rocket Portuguese will make sure you get you on the plane safely and on time!

Let's get started with this lesson on at the airport in Portuguese!

Resources for further reading:

Pronouncing Airport in Portuguese

Let’s start with the basics. Simply click on the play buttons below and don’t forget to repeat the words yourself so that you become comfortable forming the sounds.

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Portuguese pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!







Portão de embarque

Departure gate

Portão de chegada

Arrival gate





O balcão de informação

Information Counter

Now, here are some important questions that you will need to know when checking in at the information counter “o balcão de informação.” Listen to each word and and repeat them aloud.

A que horas eu devo estar no portão de embarque?

What time do I need to be at the departure gate?

Quanto tempo de voo?

How long is the flight?

Quanto tempo demora o voo?

How long does the flight take?

Quanto tempo de escala?

How long is the stop over?

Vocês servirão refeição?

Will you serve a hot meal?

Brazilians eat hot meals, because cold meals are considered appetizers or snacks. Refeição implies a hot meal, so you don’t have to say “refeição quente”.

O voo está cheio?

Is the flight very busy?

Eu preciso de visto?

Do I need a visa?

O visto é de quanto tempo?

How long is the visa valid for?

Quantos kilos de bagagem posso levar ?

How many kilos of luggage can I take?

Some people prefer window seats, some want to sit close to the aisle. I always ask for a window seat, that way I can get a first impression of the city we are going to land in, from above. Whichever one you prefer, here are the Portuguese words for it…

Assento na janela

Window seat

Assento no corredor

Aisle seat

Gostaria de ter um assento na janela, por favor

I would like to have a window seat, please

Gostaria de ter um assento no corredor, por favor

I would like to have an aisle seat, please

Here are some possible answers you might get…

Você tem que estar no portão 15 minutos antes do embarque

You have to be at the gate 15 minutes prior to departure

Infelizmente, não temos mais assentos na janela disponíveis

Unfortunately, we don't have any window seats left

Você não precisa de visto

You don't need a visa

Serviremos um lanche frio e jantar

We'll serve a cold snack and dinner

Você só pode levar uma bagagem de mão

You can only take one piece of hand luggage

Sua bagagem está muito pesada

Your luggage is too heavy

You have just finished today’s lesson. I hope you enjoyed it.

For more lessons on Portuguese vocabulary I recommend these!

Até mais!

Tereza Pereira: Rocket Portuguese

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