Rocket Languages Reviews

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5095 Customer Reviews

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78.7% (4012)

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14.0% (715)

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3.9% (201)

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1.4% (73)

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1.8% (94)

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Joseph Butts

Joseph Butts

Wildwood, Florida , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I learned about Rocket Languages from the YouTube channel of Tangerine Travels. They used it to learn Spanish to travel through Mexico. I joined a Spanish club to learn and this has helped me already even though I'm very new at Spanish.

Julie Brackenbury

Julie Brackenbury

New Port Richey, Fl , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I love this course! The conversational lessons are great, they allow me to practice while running on the treadmill which is a bonus! The reinforcement tools help you to really retain the information. I have been using it every day for over a month now and have really improved my Spanish skills


Melanie Mcguffin

CO , United States

Rocket Spanish
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Summary: It is most important to start SPEAKING a language as soon as possible to get comfortable with it. I think that Rocket does a decent job getting you ready with some key phrases, pronunciation, and review, but it overloads the learner with too much new vocabulary per lesson.

Format: I really like the audio format in a nice progressive pace and it's less 'cluttered' than the popular pod101 program. The review material is very well rounded, using audio, writing practice, spanish - english and english - spanish practice, plus flashcards (english - spanish).

Overall audio quality: Try the trial to hear them speak. Decide for yourself. In my opinion, Mauricio has a good accent and Carmen speaks slowly. Amy is a dork and I get a little tired of hearing her voice. Her Spanish makes me cringe. The "repeat after me" can be very rushed and I have to pause so that I get a chance to actually repeat a phrase.

Workload: The dialogues can be quite long (some almost 45 minutes!) and the practice has WAY too much vocabulary to absorb for one lesson. I'm currently doing a lesson in Level 2 that has 117 words.

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Tom Ramer

Tom Ramer

Okinawa , Japan

Rocket Spanish
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Absolutely wonderful course/product. I enthusiastically recommend. Great format. The interactive features Awsome. If you buy hey the ‘whole package’. Now 15th Anniversary Sale Get a huge 60% off - limited time only....
If you buy Part 1 as I did you’ll receive the package in deal 2 & 3. Buying the whole lot saves you money because the program is so great it’s addictive. From a desk top computer or iPad / iPhone (App is free) you can study anywhere anytime. All work from your platforms are captured/saved. Customer support is super. Quick helpful responses. A great product at a great price. Take advantage of the savings
I had issues at the beginning of my own errors but once customer support helped me I’m one happy camper so to speak. Love it. Very satisfied. Now back to learning - made easy. Awsome work putting this package together. Often feel for Sayaka & Kenny whose repeated translations & expiation are great for me but the level of work to put it tighter demands respect. どうもありがとうございました

marna mccullough

Marna Mccullough

United States

Rocket Spanish
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In my opinion, Rocket Language is the ultimate language learning program. It is fun. I feel it will be possible to become fluent in learning Spanish. I retain a great deal of information using Rocket Spanish. My goal is to learn Spanish, French and Italian. I already purchased the Rocket French course. I highly recommend Rocket Language to anybody who wants to learn another language. Best language course I have other tried.

John Defillippo

John Defillippo

Pennsylvania , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I have been using Rocket Spanish for over a year now off and on and am very satisfied with the product. I find the learning format to be useful and it works for me. I like listening to the lessons and follow the format used in the programs. There is a good amount of repetition without being a pain. I also like the access to the program for life.
I have had a few instances where I need customer support and the responses have been timely. The price was reasonable especially in a time where people want everything for nothing.
I am learning this primarily for overseas mission trips and would like to see one lesson on this theme. Another suggestion is that some of the lessons are extremely long and I would prefer to see them broken up into 2 lessons but it's not a big deal. Also, when the program is completed, I would like to see Rocket send out a certificate of completion.
In sum, I enjoy it and look forward to working through the whole program.

Marisol Smarty

Marisol Smarty

Port St Lucie / FL , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I love Rocket Language because it actually gets me to speak Spanish. I have learned from more my few months of using this than I have from my 3 years of Spanish in high school. Thank you for making this wonderful product.

Sakshi Kulkarni

Sakshi Kulkarni

Delhi , India

Rocket Spanish
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Hi the experience is really great .i am learning Spanish And rocket Spanish has really been very helpful in teaching me the basics of the language.I am only finding it difficult to form words on my own like in english we say cat but in Spanish it is called gato so how can i understand these things..but still so far the experience has been great.First I thought that learning a foreign language would be difficult but now I can understand the few basic words and phrases of Spanish ..rocket language has been really helpful in the past days

Jackson James

Jackson James

Ravenna , Italy

Rocket Spanish
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The method used in Rocket languages is very attractive. It is a wonderful experience because the words come to my mind and make me inspired with the learning.. to learn I like to learn Spanish using rocket languages as if a time-pass and hobby.. Thanks a lot..

stephen martin

Stephen Martin

London , United Kingdom

Rocket Spanish
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I`ve had Rocket Spanish for years but only really got into now. I find it far easier now with the voice recognition tool. After using it for 3 months i found on a recent trip to Spain i could understand far more than ever before.