Rocket Languages Reviews

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5095 Customer Reviews

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78.7% (4012)

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14.0% (715)

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3.9% (201)

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1.4% (73)

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1.8% (94)

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Innocent Ntaganzwa

Innocent Ntaganzwa

Huye , Rwanda

Rocket Spanish
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Rocket languages really gave me the tools to succeed with my new language. It is the best thing for which prayed a big role in changing and improving my life in seeking Spanish. thanks to every one who participated in this idea of rocket language wit a good customer services, ¡muchas gracias!

Daniel Chadrow

Daniel Chadrow

United States

Rocket Spanish
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The beginner's course is good. The intermediate course is ok; but, not as good as the beginner's course. The Platinum (advanced course) is poorly done. In the Platinum course, the presentation is sloppy and there is very little interaction or practice time.

Danny Couch

Danny Couch

lynchburg, virginia , United States

Rocket Spanish
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Took maybe two high school Spanish classes many years ago. Due to employment I felt compelled to learn to speak Spanish better and found this course which has proven valuable on top of some employer sponsored training. Rocket Spanish is available to me at work and anywhere else I may be. The various ways the course introduces Spanish allows for more to stick with me and to be able to speak allows for better accent and pronunciation. Communication has been critical in my employment and I have been rewarded personally by learning and my employer pays me for my efforts also so Rocket Spanish has been a critical part of my efforts.

emily pearce

Emily Pearce

prosser, wa , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I actually purchased the premium version several years ago and listened to some of the lessons. Since then the site has gotten a lot more interactive which has helped immensely. The conversations (that I have listened to so far) are definitely geared towards people looking to be tourists in another country. Not that that's a bad thing by any means. Still, the most helpful part for me is at the end when they prompt you to answer questions in wording that isn't exactly like the conversation. This really made me stop and digest the information rather than just regurgitate what I heard. Overall I have really been enjoying my course.

Tatiana Giliazova

Tatiana Giliazova

Deerfield Beach , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I have basic Spanish knowledge and I wanted the course to advance my level. I have looked through many free and paid courses, apps etc. it seems that Rocket Spanish fits the bill!
It is not as popular and known as some other ones, Pimsleur, Rosetta Stone etc. but I like it much better, because it is so comprehensive and interactive, it is fun and interesting as well.
I have tried it for free for 7 days and purchased the course. I am so impressed that I want to purchase another level as well and the price is right too.
Thank you, guys!

Jeremy Prendergast

Jeremy Prendergast

Naperville , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I have been using Rocket Spanish for 4 months now and amazed at how much I am learning. I listen to the 20-30 minute lessons while on a walk and spend another 15-20 minutes working towards my daily points goal.

Rocket Spanish is fun and effective. And I get to learn at my own pace.

Guy Azar

Guy Azar


Rocket Spanish
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Rocket spanish is the best starter pack for quick self learners. couldnt find anything better.
In the past I used to study english the same way in an institute that over charged me for roughly the same service level I enjoy here learning Spanish. oh and I also had to drive there, park, etc.
The only thing missing YET is a live conversation session forum for students sharing similar knowledge levels. such conversations are optimized when being lead by a teacher or a conversation regulator - this can be easily arranged thtough a partnership with a third party provider such as italki and others.
well done! keep it going I am with you
Thank you

Kelly Jaramillo

Kelly Jaramillo

Pittsburgh , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I have been working with the free trial for over a month, and even using it every day, there was a lot of free material given to really get a "feel" for the course. I have fallen in love with it, and just purchased the Premium Package today. For me, speaking and understanding are my weakest points, and in my opinion, this is where Rocket Language outshines every other program. Those "live" role-playing exercises are intense, and really give me a rush when I can successfully get through even the level one part of the conversation.
My only issue is having to use Chrome, I was on Chrome when I tried to purchase the package, and it kept screwing up my information, I finally had to go over to Safari and purchase it there, then go through switching the program to Chrome - it was irritating.
However, that is a minor complaint concerning the purchase and log-in process and has nothing to do with the amazing content Rocket has to offer.
Also, I have to add, while I was having hassles with the login, I called customer support and they are absolutely amazing! No robots, I got to a real person right away who fixed the issue immediately, was nice and funny and very friendly.

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Phúc Nguyễn Thiên

Phúc Nguyễn Thiên

Ho chi Minh , Vietnam

Rocket Spanish
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this is my first time using a learning language software but i can say that i'm quiet satisfied with Rocket Language and the huge resources they provide. It's easy and fun to learn with the system provided. Flash cards is a big plus for everyone tried to learn vocabulary in an old fashion way. i'm taking the Spanish course and i can say that it's amazing; i especially love the culture lessons which help me understand not only the language but also the country every day life aspect. I'm considering purchase a Japanese course after this. Glad that i've discovered this wonderful product!

Jonathan Lockwood

Jonathan Lockwood

San Miguel de Allende, GTO , Mexico

Rocket Spanish
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I've lived as a US expat in Mexico for more than 2 years, and until now my Spanish has been poor.

1) As a big expat town, it's easy to speak English here and this can slow progress. Ex: (I get in a taxi. Me--"Hola, Señor. Sabes donde esta..." He--"Where you want to go?" (sigh))

2) My first teacher was a 70 year old Mexican woman. Great gal, and I really liked her program. But, by her own admission, some of the later installments were prepared when she'd smoked a bit too much mota. :-/

3) My second teacher was a young Mexican man over iTalki. Very patient, and a great teacher, but his program essentially involved him giving very interesting lectures over Skype and waiting while I wrote nearly everything down. There were no practice materials to go along with it. Nice guy, great teacher--but it's not just that I wasn't learning to speak the language; it was more that I couldn't understand how I EVER would with no drills and practice based upon his lectures. :-/

4) So now I've found Rocket Spanish. After the above experience--and Pimsleur (which I like but consider limited)-- I'm convinced this is precisely the program for me. I get all the practice I want, and the gamification employed has gotten me addicted.

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