Rocket Languages Reviews

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5095 Customer Reviews

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78.7% (4012)

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14.0% (715)

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3.9% (201)

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1.4% (73)

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1.8% (94)

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David Baker

David Baker

United States

Rocket Spanish
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Relatively inexpensive one-time purchase, not a subscription that you have to keep paying for. Also a straightforward teaching method that tells you what is being taught, not making you guess/wonder. Lessons are clear- no ambiguity, no need to use a separate Spanish-English dictionary. Also the ability to record lessons to CD so you can play then in your car as you drive, without requiring you to watch pictures or animations. Also, Rocket Languages sends additional lesson tidbits via email - I haven’t seen that from anyone else. Lots of nice features in an effective learning package.

James Whately

James Whately

Ontario , Canada

Rocket Spanish
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I was assigned by my employer to the only Spanish speaking country in Africa, so I started reading some quick guides and traveller's phrasebooks but after several weeks in country, I soon realized that I needed something much more comprehensive. I have previously used a more expensive language program to learn Thai when I was working in Southern Thailand, but Rocket Spanish had me understanding more, in a shorter time and I'm completely satisfied with the Rocket Spanish method. I recommend Rocket Spanish for anyone wanting to understand more and communicate more easily in Spanish! It's certainly working out well for me!

ian durie

Ian Durie

dundee , United Kingdom

Rocket Spanish
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This is a very good program to learn Spanish , Latin American variation , not Castilian Spanish of Spain. I understand that this version of Spanish is more useful for Americans who probably make up the bulk of the clientele of people wanting to learn Spanish. This version of Spanish will allow people to travel in South America and make themselves understood there and in the South of Spain , where the majority of Spanish Emigrants left for a new life in the former Spanish Colonies. Cuba used to be the destination for economic migrants from the Spanish Peninsular until the Americans liberated , "stole" , the last colonies of Cuba , Puerto Rico and the Philippians, which was then impossible, after the Spanish American War of eighteen ninety eight, which caused then a profound soul searching of the Spanish People, on the loss of their colonies to the United States of America, and the birth of a new generation of Spanish Poets of 1898. That said, the language is useful, if you want to travel in the Republic of Argentina or Chile. It reminds me of the Spanish I was taught many years ago by my first Spanish Teacher who was a refugee from Chile. The only difficulty would be in speaking to a native of Madrid with their Castilian Accent. I recommend this course but hopefully the course creators will be able to tweak the program so it does not keep crashing in the recommended browser " Chrome " !

Jeffrey Hochstetler

Jeffrey Hochstetler

Columbus OH , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I bought Rocket Spanish levels 1-3, after I already had a basic ability to speak and understand Spanish. I found levels 2-3 to be helpful increasing my ability to understand spoken Spanish, and increasing my confidence to speak Spanish with others. In addition to the language and grammar lessons, I found the survival kits with additional vocabulary and phrases to be particularly useful. I wish I had started my Spanish learning with Rocket Spanish, and plan on buying on Rocket French next.

Jack Cohen

Jack Cohen


Rocket Spanish
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I have already a long experience with Rocket Spanish course (I am following at this time the lessons of "Premium Plus : Level 2")
I liked Rocket from the start and , while a little tired now, my sympathy seems to persist.
I very much appreciate its structure , the conversations , the multitude of tests , all helping in the laborious task of learning a new language at a rather advanced age and, as I am not living in a country of Spanish language, without the necessary minimum immersion .

But, there are also some weak points, at least in my opinion:

The English versions of conversations are , again from my point of view, unnecessarily long.
I say "unnecessary" because, while all the personages have something interesting to say, and pleasantly so,(truly I like them all !), too many thing are said, some not having a justifying didactic weight in the lesson itself .
Telling these things, irrespective of how much instructive and amusing could they be, stretches and "burdens" these English conversations

Just one more "observation":
The tests , saying it, writing it etc., starting at too low a level , becomes too long, exceeding the usual attention span time.

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Response from Rocket Languages

Response from Rocket Languages: Some good points there. These will be added to the wishlist for the future.

Ashley Miller

Ashley Miller

Eglin AFB, FL , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I've always wanted to learn another language. I just started learning Spanish with Rocket Languages and I already love it. I understand what I am saying, as opposed to other programs that do not explain what you are saying. I love how thorough they are and how straightforward the program is. I also love all of the bonuses. Thank you Rocket Languages for opening this door for me and making it possible for me to walk through.

edgar blackman

Edgar Blackman

queens new york , United States

Rocket Spanish
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This is a easy and simple program for anyone to learn any language at their own pace. I love it, thank you to the creator of it and to the public library for providing this awesome tool...I am very grateful...I'll be an avid speaker of Espanol rapido, uno ano (one year)...Gracias!

Charlene Thomson

Charlene Thomson

Cape Town , South Africa

Rocket Spanish
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Rocket Spanish was an excellent way to kick-start my Spanish. When I decided to attend class in Spanish, I was amazed at how much I have learned from Rocket Spanish.I am now working through the advanced course and am happy to find it both challenging and accessible. While attending class is great, it is generally limited to one or two hours a week. Not enough to become proficient in a language. Having an online course that is available to me 24 hours a day, means I can work on the language every day and can fit in lessons around my schedule.

Douglas Yankauer

Douglas Yankauer

Dominican Republic

Rocket Spanish
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Rocket Spanish is far and away the best online Spanish course I have ever come across. After doing a ton of research, reading reviews, comparing what you got, the price, and more, I chose to purchase Rocket Spanish. It is a choice I have not questioned.

Over the years I have recommended Rocket Languages to anyone looking to learn a foreign language, at all different levels. Those folks who took my advice have been more than satisfied with their purchase.

As with any course, if you don't put in the time, it doesn't matter how good the course. This is so true with Rocket Spanish as well. When I actually dedicate myself to spending the time with Rocket Spanish, it comes very easily. This was never the case when I was "learning" a foreign language in school.

I am 67 years old and currently living in the Dominican Republic. That being said, I felt it necessary to take on the project of learning a foreign language to better communicate with the peoples of the DR. The challenge living in the DR is that they bastardize their language. Dominicans drop off letters, change pronunciations, you name it. This also changes from one part of the Country to another.

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Pam Reese

Pam Reese

Kelowna / BC , Canada

Rocket Spanish
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I really like the way the modules are introduced such that you can make use of the Spanish you are learning immediately. Tried Rosetta Stone and did not find their methodology at all useful matching pictures to words ...... so far this is much better and more intuitive for me.