Rocket Languages Reviews

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

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1.4% (73)

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1.8% (94)

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kumaran  subramanian

Kumaran Subramanian


Rocket Arabic
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Good and benefited a lot. Vast and exhaustive. Best ever language course. Visual activities are in great expectation. As a doctor i need more conversation relating to doctor patient. Beneficiaries need to undergo more homework.

Rasul Azeez

Rasul Azeez

Rocket Arabic
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This is an Awesome piece of software, it works on all computers, including Linux, Mac, and Windows. I love it because I can use it anywhere, and almost anytime. Inshallah, I will learn Arabic very quickly.

Michael Flynn

Michael Flynn

Rocket Arabic
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I've only a novice user of Rocket Language - it is highly recommended by the PC Magazine review. My review rating is tentative as I am an inexperienced user - but from what I see and hear it is very good.,2817,2381904,00.asp
So with Rocket's help I am looking forward to the journey
- ifs its got to be, its up to me now.

Kathy Plaza

Kathy Plaza

Rocket Arabic
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ويسرني جدا! هذا بتنسمج مفيد جدا، خصوصا عندما يعرف الطالب درس الفصحى قبل. أنا اثقة من البرنامج ستساعد لي أن أبدأ الحديث مع أصدقائي المصرية قريبا. شكرا

Shadmaan Barday

Shadmaan Barday

Rocket Arabic
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The lessons are good, they do help learn "Egyptian" Arabic. I suppose if the title were Rocket Egyptian Arabic, I would have been more satisfied, I was looking towards learning Standard Arabic or Fus'ha Arabic, though this helps, it would be better to know what I am buying, before I buy it.

Carly Thompson

Carly Thompson

Rocket Arabic
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I have been looking for a language program to learn Egyptian Arabic that does not teach using pictures/flash card type learning. Finally, I found it! The price is fantastic for a "lifetime membership". I am only on the first lesson and I can already converse with my fluent boyfriend and his father, who is from Egypt. I love Rocket Language!

Natalia  Morozova

Natalia Morozova

Moscow , Russian Federation

Rocket Arabic
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Rocket Languages gives a good and easy opportunity to start learning a new language, its audio lessons are of much fun and success, one can listen to the lessons during his way to work, for example. So having spent only about 20-30 minutes per day (approximate duration of one lesson) and even not paying so much attention to grammatical rules (which one may consider boring) you find yourself in some days easily understanding new colloquial language.

Ever thought about learning something new? Rocket Languages is the best to start learning a language which you thought might be difficult to study! You'll be impressed how it is in fact easy to talk!

Cris  Freitas

Cris Freitas

Dubai , United Arab Emirates

Rocket Arabic
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I am trying to learn Egyptian Arabic since long time but I also do not have time enough to go into it. Now I found this course which I can do in my house any time or anywhere I can access internet.

From the experience I had with this course I am sure that I can achieve my goal.

Tory Wiedenkeller

Tory Wiedenkeller

Los Osos, CA

Rocket Arabic
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I'm not sure how long I've been using the Rocket Arabic course, but before using it, I had tried some of the other courses available on the market. but met with unsatisfactory results. I find Rocket Language's Arabic course to be the most helpful, useful, and enjoyable course available. It offers the best features and tools for language learning. It also offers relevant and practical vocabulary.
I am especially happy that this course focuses on Egyptian Arabic because it is the dialect I am most interested to learn.
Rocket Arabic has boosted my confidence in speaking with the Egyptian friends I have, and many of those whom I've known since before I started using Rocket's Arabic course have commented on my improvements in speaking Arabic since using Rocket Language's course. I feel the course has also helped me to better understand Arabic when I hear it spoken.
I feel that Rocket Language's lesson format is very helpful, and I especially appreciate being able to listen to the lessons in my car, or on my mp3 player. Also having the option of viewing the lessons in text form to better understand words I hear during the course is a valuable resource.
I have recommended Rocket Languages courses to many friends and colleagues who want to learn a second or third language.
Thanks, Rocket Languages, and Amira Zaki, for creating this wonderful course. It has helped me enormously. Alf shokr.

-Tory W.

leonard  Edwards

Leonard Edwards

Rocket Arabic
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Rocket Languages is by far the best language product I have seen on the market. I have looked at many products and have learned several languages using other modes of learning. They were OK, but Rocket Languages...I love! I highly recommend this product to others.