Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

2 Stars

1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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Wayne Gulley

Wayne Gulley

United States

Rocket Spanish
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My initial experience was not good due to a problem setting up my user credentials. After that was resolved and I was able to login, my experience was fantastic! The dashboard, format of instruction and interactive learning tools using conversations are excellent. I have no need for any other learning platform!

Alyssa Carrero

Alyssa Carrero

United States

Rocket Korean
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I love the fact that you're able to partake in both sides of the conversation. Speaking and memorizing text are different things but the way both mediums are used together helps a lot. While I know that Korean romanization isn't exact to its pronunciation, the fact that you can play singular audio to practice is one of the things I like most not only for this language, but in general. :)

Bianca Mora

Bianca Mora

United States

Rocket Japanese
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Well, I'm kind of struggling on how to write the words, but other than that, I love it. :]

Sandra Harrison

Sandra Harrison

United Kingdom

Rocket French
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I like the lessons and the reinforcement activities as I really feel that I will recall the various words and phrases in my longer term memory. The emphasise on pronunciation is good but even at an easy setting sometimes the words don't register correctly - however it is good on improving my speech.
There are a few annoyances - the lesson is 20 minutes, not sure why we need the opening and closing music. Paul does seem to speak English with a strange accent which is distracting. Given the price of the course I would assume that this is aimed at adults so we don't need the forced cheerfulness and "jokes" that are included. I would rather the lesson had more actual learning content and less slang words.
I purchased the course as it has grammar lessons - these are OK but I generally have a lot of questions on minor points which are not covered - a reference as to whether these will be covered later in the course would be useful.
I would also like to know how the 3 levels equate to external standards. For the UK for instance if you do the 3 levels is this equivalent to a GCSE qualification or would it be more A level standard as I would like to take my French further.

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Cheryl DeJager

Cheryl Dejager

United States

Rocket Portuguese
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I have only been using Rocket Portuguese for about a week. Have tried it on my iPad and both FireFox and Chrome on my computer. I would be impressed with this product if the microphone and rating on pronunciation worked consistently.

Fernanda Ferreira

Fernanda Ferreira


Rocket Chinese
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Im loving the speech exercises. Too bad it's only a trial and it's quite short. Other apps also offer speech recognising exercises for free...

nrgs eghtdar

Nrgs Eghtdar

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Rocket Chinese
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این سایت بهترین سایت آموزش زبان هستش و من واقعا راضی بودم تو مدت خیلی کوتاهی چیزای زیادی یاد گرفتم و از سازندگان سایت خیلی خیلی متشکرم

mario Shaffer

Mario Shaffer

United States

Rocket Russian
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I like the pronunciation verification where you can answer the dialog in Russian language and it grades the quality of your pronunciation.
It is very interactive. I like also Pimsleur Russian very much. Pimsleur gets very difficult after lesson 15. And there is no verification. You must have a Russian speaker to verify your pronunciation. I am afraid if you learn it wrong you will always be wrong. So in conclusion I like the dialogues from Pimsleur Russian, but I am learning and reinforcing my learning with Rocket Russian.

Terry Tewes

Terry Tewes

United States

Rocket Spanish
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Having tried at least 4 other Spanish learning courses, both on-line and in-person, I have come to realize that I keep coming back to Rocket Spanish.

It truly is the complete package.

There is no need to keep search for the next one to try. Rocket Spanish is it.

Slobodan Markoski

Slobodan Markoski


Rocket German
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This course is best designed. I'm loving Rocket German and how effectively you can remember vocabulary.
I wish I've found it earlier.