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Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

2 Stars

1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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Julian Fietzek

Julian Fietzek

Washington, D.C. , United States

Rocket Spanish
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Rocket Languages is a great way to learn a language. So far I have had fun with my Spanish lessons. I especially appreciate that there is some cultural information within each lesson rather than just the words. This is something a lot of language programs fail to include.

I would like to see more reading examples (e.g. short stories, newspaper articles, etc.) to practice my reading comprehension.

That being said, I can recommend Rocket Languages if you are looking for fun, instructor-led language program that provides cultural background information.

Carolyn G

Carolyn G

Guildford , United Kingdom

Rocket English
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I learnt basic French at school decades ago and went back to France recently for the first time in many years and was shocked that I had forgotten the little French I knew and had to speak English. I prefer to speak at least some French in France and am due to return in a few weeks so I bought this course because it seemed to cover useful topics and was quite structured. I have used apps before but don't find learning random phrases useful as I want to be able to make my own sentences and really speak and understand. I have been really impressed with this course, I have learned a lot I had forgotten and much that I didn't know and made much more progress than I expected. It encourages you to speak French, it checks you accent and helps you to understand the language so you can speak it rather than rely on a few phrases. I'm really looking forward to trying out my French in France and perhaps take it further with the advanced courses when I get back (or try another language)

Zeyna Ansari

Zeyna Ansari

Maharashtra , India

Rocket Hindi
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Excellent lessons. Would love for there to be a more advanced course after this one. For me would have liked lessons on how to conjugate verbs in the beginning as I got a bit lost sometimes, as no explanation was given for the change of verb endings. Maybe grammar lessons should be interspersed with the interactive lessons. Also there are some mistakes throughout and some words that are used are not in common usage in India, as verified by my journalist husband. Apart from that all excellent so have given it 5/5.

Kat X

Kat X

Burlingame, CA , United States

Rocket German
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I could not get past the incredibly annoying woman with her fingernails-on-chalkboard voice. The squeaking, the overemphatic emoting, the inane chatter and the off-putting accent have driven me away from this program in the first 5 minutes.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Kat; I am sorry to hear that you didn't gel with our Rocket German presenter. We are actually close to releasing an all new interactive audio course for Rocket German, with all new voices!

Gwendolyn Ross

Gwendolyn Ross

United States

Rocket Spanish
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I have been using Duolingo because it's free, but it's not meeting my needs. I like that Rocket Spanish helps with my pronunciation, which Duolingo did not. I had a coupon so I'm willing to give Rocket Spanish a try for 60 days! Plus, I already had the headphones with a mic so why not??

Thomas Williams

Thomas Williams

Burlington/ CT , United States

Audio Book
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After the first lesson I actually started to understand my daughter in law (Colombian) when she talks to he kids, my grandkids in Spanish which she does all the time so that learn the language as they grow up. I look forward to being able to talk fluently with them soon.

Ashley Burnett

Ashley Burnett

United States

Rocket Spanish
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Not too far into the program yet, but I am already loving it. The program goes at a stress-free pace and provides many different learning tools for all styles of learners. I complete a lesson daily and have thoroughly enjoyed each one thus far.

success Love

Success Love

new york , United States

Rocket Chinese
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This software is really awesome I have been learning Chinese for a month now and I am really good at it.

Robert Shiplett

Robert Shiplett

New Brunswick , Canada

Rocket Japanese
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the rōmaji on the flashcards is driving me away from using Rocket for Japanese.

just maddening to have in SETTINGS as OFF

In 1/5 of a lsdon, I can set English OFF but where i WANT it off, it is stuck ON as a feature ?!?

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Robert, you can turn the romaji, kana and kanji on/off in the FlashCard settings at top right of the FlashCards themselves.

phoebe Jackson

Phoebe Jackson

United States minor outlying islands

Rocket German
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I would recommend using this website for any tricky words in German that you find trouble saying.