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Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

2 Stars

1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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jisteenah brown

Jisteenah Brown

FL , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I like this because it helps me to learn different languages i've never learned before.

Danil San

Danil San

Ontario , Canada

Rocket Spanish
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Lessons are good for a starting point of your own research. I pause multiple times throughout audio to find out more details/explanation.
I'm on lesson 4.1 and sometimes it feels that they just force you to memorize phrases rather explain word formation and grammar. Maybe it comes later, but it would be easier to memorize if you have some formed structure in your head. So far so good.

manya kalra

Manya Kalra


Rocket Japanese
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I am just 14 years old and I've mastered basic Japanese. I am thankful to Rocket Japanese for letting me know so many things about Japanese language. The modules are perfect and easy for everyone. I would suggest everyone to at least try learning Japanese at the website. I love the customer services as well as the information and experience that Rocket Japanese has given me. Once again thank u so much Rocket Japanese for giving free trials with exceptional knowledge. Thank u.

Shyam Kumraj

Shyam Kumraj

Maharashtra , India

Rocket French
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Amazing hosts. Everything is explained thoroughly and to point. Thanks to Rocket Languages, I could my concepts more clear and it has made me more confident in mastering my selected language.

Richard Greenfield

Richard Greenfield

United States

Rocket Japanese
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I love this app. I have tried many other apps and they don't compare to Rocket. I had taken one class in Japanese at a local college and couldn't continue because of scheduling conflicts. Rocket Japanese has allowed me to continue studying Japanese. It is the next best thing to being in class. I have found the lessons to be extremely informative and, most importantly, relevant. The lessons are real world examples of conversations that I might actually have. I highly recommend this program.

Frank Levin

Frank Levin

Florida , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I chose to take an online Spanish class after moving from Cleveland to Little Havana in Miami, FL. This course has been the perfect compliment to language immersion! I feel like I learn something on Rocket Spanish, and then I am immediately using it to communicate with my neighbors. Rocket Spanish has taught me so much already, and I have enjoyed the process so much. I am about halfway done with the course, and can't wait to see my fluency increase in the second half!
If Mauricio and Amy, the creators of Rocket Spanish see this-- thank you! You're very charming and engaging, and it has helped me learn Spanish.

Ahmed AlShafei

Ahmed Alshafei

Manama , Bahrain

Rocket French
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This is exactly what I have been looking for.
in french! Ce ete exatemant que je cherche pour apprendre le langue france. VIOLA.

Jeanine Woodell

Jeanine Woodell

United States

Rocket Italian
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I am using Rocket Italian as a review to the Italian I studied "Molti anni fa" in college so that I can be more fluent and approachable when I travel. I like the pace and the ability to skip around. However, the American accent of Alex is distracting and there is too much spoken English. I can see if a beginner is trying to get traction it might be okay. I am looking forward to moving up into the later levels. Overall, hearing so much English and the English accent is distracting. There are also some grammar errors in the translations along the way. For the price, I would expect more flawless execution. However overall, I like the conversational approach and the ability to hop around to get what I need to progress.

Philip Tabor

Philip Tabor


Rocket Italian
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Rocket's multimodal learning formula works very well: listen, respond orally, respond in writing, translate both ways. This really hammers the language into your cortex via all channels. The voice recognition software, while not always perfect, is a remarkably useful feature. The help desk, finally, responds courteously to my comments.

My only wish is that the Rocket Italian team might themselves work very slowly and carefully through the whole course, seeking every occasion where a question and its corresponding answer does not match, and in general where the question is not sufficiently defined (number, gender etc.) to point unambiguously at the answer expected by the software. None of these glitches greatly reduces the effectiveness of the course, but their frequent occurrence is irritating and, to that extent, distracting.

Your subscribers could alert you to these glitches if a 'report problem' was attached to every event, not just some, where the subscriber must speak, write or press a button.

Response from Rocket Languages

Thanks for your thoughtful review. We will be fully reviewing Rocket Italian in the next 2-3 months, and will pick up any ambiguous phrasing at that stage.

Martha Wolcheski

Martha Wolcheski

Kerrville Texas , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I love Rocket Spanish. I took 4 years of Spanish in high school and several courses for medical professionals over the past many years and I can honestly say this method has been the most practical of them all! I appreciate the repetition and the various tools used to reinforce learning. It is fantastic! The “points” system keeps me motivated to practice and improve daily! I would highly recommend this course to everyone!