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Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

2 Stars

1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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Laura Bookbinder

Laura Bookbinder

Texas , United States

Rocket Italian
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I've been using Rocket Italian since December 2019. I purchased Levels 1, 2, & 3-Instant Lifetime Access and the Travelogue. (Yes, I am committed to learn Italian.) I am on Unit I- module 6. In addition to Rocket, I use 2 other Apps/programs along with Rocket Italian. After 3/12 months of use, I feel I can write an accurate review.
1. I love the structured lessons
2. Like having the audios of Alex and Maria (audio lessons and reviews)
3. Like having the ability to record myself and mimic pronunciation

Cons (or possible areas to improve)
1. I wish there was a way to manipulate and build sentences rather than solely memorizing. (Maybe this happens in later units, I don't know.)
2. I wish that in lessons, such as in Language and Culture, where they may be over 90 terms to learn, that the lesson be divided in smaller lessons. Memorizing close to 100 terms is overwhelming and a big challenge. Maybe limiting the terms to a more manageable number would be beneficial to the learner.
3. I wish there was a method to answer questions on a lesson directly on the lesson page itself rather than on the forum. Also, I would appreciate if someone from Rocket could answer those questions rather than relying mostly other learners.

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Response from Rocket Languages

Thanks for the detailed review Laura! I thought that I would comment on the cons; 1. Play it! is the best tool for this at the moment. We are looking into other tools to achieve this. 2. Rocket Italian is due for a total review later this year. At that stage the amount of phrases per lesson will be addressed. We know it's an issue and have been working at how to make it less of a slog yet maintain the comprehensiveness. 3. Great idea. I will look into this. 4. We used to have this as an extra paid feature but it was difficult to manage as it requires a lot more human resources to be able to do it.

anthony muncey

Anthony Muncey

Candiac , Canada

Rocket French
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Hello, I am just a trial used French learner intermediate but I fine the listen, repeat then hear yourself saying the words or phrase is very
helpful on the pronunciation. You can rock back and forth between the speaker and yourself. Very good

Randal Smith

Randal Smith

OH , United States

Rocket Spanish
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Good lessons and exercises. I am learning slowly but find it works. Like hearing the conversations and speaking back.

Leonardo Antonio Roa Suarez

Leonardo Antonio Roa Suarez

Bucaramanga , Colombia

Rocket Inglés
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It's a good, practical and easy way to learn English. Es una vida rapida y practica para aprender un nivel de ingles basico- intermedio.

Kevin O'brien

Kevin O'brien

El Cerrito, CA , United States

Rocket French
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I'm 57 years old, I took 4 years of French in school, but have not maintained it. My family is planning a vacation to northern France soon, and I love listening to Rocket French on my 20-30 minute commute. I love the fact that learning a language keeps me 'in the moment', by necessity. I'm not driving into work after 20-30 minutes of negative reverie about my job! I enjoy your presenters, bad jokes and all...

Sebastian Roehling

Sebastian Roehling


Rocket Russian
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I've been an avid language learner for years now. I've dabbled in using various training programs and the like, but I decided to give Rocket Russian a try because I felt like it was worth a try to experiment and see just how quickly I could learn this language.
I've only been at it for a week, and I am blown away.
Literally, all it takes is daily consistency, and a commitment to finishing at least one lesson a day, plus, reviewing the lessons you've already covered, just so that it stays fresh in your mind.
Specifically, here are two things that I like about Rocket Russian:
1. The amount of resources. Not only can you download all your audio lessons and pdfs, but you also have various practice methods prepared and available, such as flash cards and multiple choice questions.
2. The length and structure of the lessons. Each lesson last between 15 and 20 minutes, and each lesson begins with a quick review of the previous lesson. The pace of the lessons is also just right - not only will you hear conversations spoken at regular speed, but each word will be broken down and explained slowly. This is extremely convenient, because I find that even without paying 100% attention to a lesson, when I'm driving, for example, I find myself repeating words and phrases almost unconsciously.

Nancy Bugbee

Nancy Bugbee

Oakville , Canada

Rocket Italian
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Signed up for Rocket Italian and love it!!! The Interactive lessons are engaging and enjoyable. The reinforcement activities are a fantastic way to make sure you really absorb the lessons. Great system!


Mr Beast

H , United States

Rocket Spanish
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Good but still I well give this company 1000 dollars.

Bredo Erichsen

Bredo Erichsen

Delhi , India

Rocket Hindi
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This is the best learning tool for Hindi I have found so far. Living in India, I want to learn fast. This course is very interactive and gets you to practice. I have now upgraded from trial after three days and wait for my full course. Looking forward to that.

Alex M

Alex M

New York , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I would definitely recommend it to anybody who wants to learn a language!