Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

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78.7% (4012)

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14.0% (715)

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3.9% (201)

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1.4% (73)

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1.8% (94)

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Claude Harrell

Claude Harrell

Atlanta, Georgia , United States

Rocket French
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I have been using the program for about a month and a half now and I have found it somewhat useful. My level is above that of a new beginner but not quite yet intermediate. My concerns about the program, starting with the idea that most people want what will be most useful i.e. picking up useful spoken language for travel, is that particularly when testing, the program expects your responses to be almost in the same order as their introduction. If the expected answer starts with Tu and you use the Vous form, you are marked as incorrect. The program should note what form is wanted. A "hint" function also would be nice to help someone with responses as learning, not just simple memorization, is the goal. The program also occasionally makes some unexpected detours from what is useful. For example, one lesson moved from general travel issues to a flight of fancy to go skiing. I did not find a lot of useful information in that lesson. Finally, today I took a test which contained a large number of questions involving the "passe simple". The last question on the test asked how much one would expect to hear the passe simple and the correct answer was "almost never". So, I feel a lot of time was wasted that could have been better spent elsewhere. I hope these comments are considered helpful. There are good things here but a few tweaks would make it much better.

Cullan Lucas

Cullan Lucas

United States

Rocket German
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Rocket German managed to constantly keep me engaged where other programs failed. Usually I would lose interest about halfway (maybe even quarter way) through a program, but having the option of taking the audio lessons with me wherever I go gives me lots more options.

I can't recommend this program enough!

Joe Fremer

Joe Fremer

Marietta, Pa , United States

Rocket Russian
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Very helpful, easy to use more geared to speaking and understanding than grammar but that is fine for me I use other resources for that. overall very good product, You'll be able to hear and understand and respond to native people and be understood. A++ keep it up!

Guillaume Lam

Guillaume Lam

Paris , France, Metropolitan

Rocket Arabic
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Simply enjoyable, don't need to spend too much time.
I think for some who don't know how to start, it's just a good tool.
But unfortunately I didn't find the full course, what I have it's only for beginners and intermediates, but not advance learners courses.

Ron Scaccia

Ron Scaccia

United States

Rocket Japanese
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I'm not going to sugarcoat this, so don't look for it in any Rocket promotional material. :-)

Had a little bit of an issue when trying to buy this product. Wasn't Rocket's fault and they were very helpful in getting it resolved.

I am currently at lesson 2.4.

This is a good product for learning and practicing speech in Japanese. The exercises are very geared towards that, along with some writing.While it has been great for speech, I use a different product for grammar.

The interface is simple to figure out and use, so you don't have to waste a lot of time trying to figure out how to do courses. Japanese is hard enough as it is without trying to master a weird interface too.

This is really meant to help the student SPEAK the language, not necessarily stressing grammar too much, though it might in later lessons.

I've used a lot of tools for learning Japanese, but Rocket is the best at making you speak the language instead of just listening to lessons. That's why I purchased the whole product.

As for issues with the software, I had a few minor ones. At first, I would either have audio, or I could record my voice, but not both. To resolve this, I had to completely reinstall my browser.

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Response from Rocket Languages

Thanks for pointing out the spacing issue when writing reviews. We will fix that asap! Also, it is possible to flag (from within the Tests) phrases like the example you give. We can then look into what is causing that

Milla Relf

Milla Relf

Kiev , Ukraine

Rocket Korean
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The web site is complicated and not very user friendly. I've spent 5 min trying to figure out how do I start the lessons and where to begin the studying. It's stupid to spend so much effort on a web site to have people leave confused. Too complicated to begin with.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Milla - There is a take a tour video on the Get Started page! Also, we are revamping the lesson interface to make it easier to understand. It is a little difficult when some courses have over 100 lessons!

Andrew Kornweibel

Andrew Kornweibel

United Kingdom

Rocket Spanish
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The accent is laughable. As in, my spanish friends couldn't stop laughing. It's Mexican spanish, in a bad accent. The plays and lessons are mired in stereotypes, sexist, and awful. As far as actually learning Spanish goes, I'm struggling on with it, but I can't say it's really helped so far. Hopefully it will start sticking, but having spent six weeks in Madrid recently, I didn't feel this course helped me at all, and I was still struggling with even the most basic conversations. There doesn't seem to be any background to the lessons, or intricacies of the verbs and their conjugations, which are just brushed over.
I've paid for it now, so will keep persevering for the moment, but I regret the purchase.

Response from Rocket Languages

A wide variety of voices are used on Rocket Spanish. They are mainly Latin American, as that is the Spanish being taught. Mauricio is from Chile, there are also voices from Ecuador, Nicaragua, Argentina and more!

Anna DiReda

Anna Direda

Boynton Beach, Florida , United States

Rocket Italian
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This is a great site to help you learn a language. I am using it to learn Italian, having grown up around the language, i thought I already knew the basics, but this has helped me to learn how to speak properly and learn even more! It's very thorough in it's explanations of why certain words are used and how to learn the correct grammar and forms of the words. The voice recognition is an excellent tool in helping you to make sure your pronunciation is correct. It works best with headphones and helps to point out which parts of a sentence you are saying incorrectly, then you can mark it easy or hard so you can come back to it later if you need more practice. They also have a wonderful app that allows you to practice on the go! Honestly without the app, i might never get on to practice, i’m usually too lazy to actually get onto the computer so the app has been fantastic. You can do everything on the app that you can on the website. Customer service is great, I had trouble using the app at first so i sent an email and got a very quick reply. They are also open to suggestions on what you think can be improved so that you can learn easier. Money well spent!

Carnel Foreman

Carnel Foreman

Woodbridge, VA , United States

Rocket Spanish
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Rocket Spanish is a program that you have to be able to dedicate your time to. If you are not dedicated toward going through the material you will not learn like you should. If you are willing to put in the time you will get there. You can not just listen to a lesson each day. You need to learn the lesson you have that day and then you are done for the day. The material is solid but the will power to cover the material has to be there. Long story short, you will get what you put in.

Bill Sanders

Bill Sanders

Connecticut , United States

Rocket French
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I've had this a few weeks now, but I've been so busy with work, that I haven't taken the necessary time to keep up with the lessons. However, I should be able to get the block of time needed to proceed soon. The transcripts are very helpful to me since I have a hearing loss that is not too helpful learning French (or speaking English!) If patience is a virtue, the Rocket staff should be eligible for sainthood soon.