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Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

2 Stars

1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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Kate  Chotsuwan

Kate Chotsuwan

Rocket Japanese
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I used this for almost eight months and Rocket Language helps me to improve my listening skills drastically! So definitely, I will recommend it to my friends.

素晴らしい!!!!!  どうもありがとうございます。 ^_^

Richard Goolsby

Richard Goolsby

Saint Louis, Missouri , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I appreciate the various interactions offered with this course such as the recording aspect and the testing, also the ease of reviewing whatever lesson is lacking. Although I have just barely begun the course, I am surprised at how much I am retaining. I am satisfied I made the right choice.

Philip Silverstone

Philip Silverstone

Cali , Colombia

Rocket Italian
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I believe that the Rocket Languages Italian course is very useful and helps to obtain a basic level of understanding rapidly. I think that it is more efficient compared with now obsolete CD and audiotape courses that I have taken. It could be improved by adding a visual component, such as pictures of objects and foods that are mentioned.

kurt osenbaugh

Kurt Osenbaugh

United States

Rocket Spanish
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The flash cards and the know it parts are especially good and handy. Narrowing down what you need more work on, followed by a review and a new test. Also, the audio sections are arranged in a handy way for me. I completed another Spanish course, so really am intermediate, but am using the ending review parts of the audio courses in the beginning modules to refresh myself and also to learn the different words covered here.

Steven Shelton

Steven Shelton

Seattle/Wahington , United States

Rocket Italian
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I'm just starting out and find the lessons comfortable and easy to use. So far I need to go over each one several times and take notes to make progress. The program is very adaptable to my learning style.
My computer is having difficulty with my microphone and the flash player, not yet resolved. Even without my voice input I'm making good progress. The Rocket team are very responsive and easy to contact. Good value.

Aaron Bollinger

Aaron Bollinger

United States

Rocket Chinese
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If you are looking to learn to speak a language, especially without living in the country, this software makes it easy. Rather than memorizing words all day and getting bored, this software keeps you interested and gets you speaking quickly!

Mahjabin Mou

Mahjabin Mou

Dhaka , Bangladesh

Rocket French
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it's a very helpful attempt for the people who are interested to learn French...
I've learnt few sentences as um very new learner. if anyone continuously practice with rocket language apps, it will be easier to learn the language.
thank you.

Youssef Gawdat

Youssef Gawdat

Maryland , United States

Rocket German
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I have been learning German and I am happy with the results as I can understand some words now when I listen to German conversation or song. I only finished Module 1, so no a bad start. I highly recommend the Rocket school of learning a new language.

Seattle Seattle

Seattle Seattle

United States

Rocket Spanish
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I think the Rocket format is a solid tool for learning - especially for beginners. Each lesson is a conversation between two people that you study and use to learn vocabulary and grammar. I always enjoyed that the format gave me little "stories" I could grab on to as memory aids. It really gave me a great start.

As my enthusiasm waned, as it always will when learning something new and moving past the beginner phase, I found that the rocket format started to bog me down a little. Some lessons would have over 60 phrases to practice and memorize. I'd get bogged down trying to get through the homework. I felt my learning speed was slowing down as I entered Level 2 of the course, and I began to turn to other tools like "Spanish Dict (" to augment the material and speed me up.

I think the course could be improved drastically in three ways.

1) Shorten Lessons. People like to move through lessons quickly. It produces a sense of accomplishment. This means, reducing the number of phrases to be mastered in each lesson.

2) Enhance Memorization Tools. There are well known systems for reviewing words and the idea of building a deck of flashcards you can continuously review is missing from the toolkit of Rocket Spanish.

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Response from Rocket Languages

Thanks so much for your review, and for all of your feedback - we sincerely appreciate the thought you put into it, and the time you took to send it to us. We have forwarded your comments to the Products Development team for their review - we are always looking for new ways to improve learner experience! All the best with your language learning!

Mark Bachand

Mark Bachand

VT , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I like the way it focuses on the parts of a common conversation. Things that it could do better:
1. Make some games or reading lessons that you can do silently. Face it: a lot of us have time to study in places that we just don't want to be talking into a microphone.
2. Have your web app work with more than just Chrome.

Other than those two items, it is a great platform to learn a language on. I would recommend it over most others.