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Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

2 Stars

1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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Chris Walkland

Chris Walkland

Rocket Chinese
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Really impressed with the software. Am still daunted at trying to learn very basic mandarin, but it's a question of "how do eat and elephant: a bit at a time" and Rocket will provide the tools to do that.

Baldur Nsson

Baldur Nsson


Rocket French
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The rocket languages has very good language courses. I have learned a lot both in the German and France languages and I always come back to the side to learn more. Thank you for an excellent site. Baldur

Lia Rogers

Lia Rogers

United States

Rocket Spanish
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Good if you're serious about learning. Provides very well explained lessons. Won't just throw words at you, but will explain in great detail when and how those words and phrases should be used. Gives a little insight into Latin American culture. Let's you practice reading, listening, and speaking. Explains grammar in a way that is not boring, but is thorough. Not for visual learners. No pictures. Not for people who aren't already very motivated to learn a language. Has a leaderboard and will track your streak, but not overall very game-like. If you finish all three courses you will be able to understand most conversations even if you don't know some of the words. Just try it!

Response from Rocket Languages

It's great to hear that you are enjoying the lessons and finding them well explained. We pride ourselves on comprehensiveness so it's great that you are seeing that in your studies. We wish you all the best with your Spanish journey with Rocket Languages!

carleno  quintino

Carleno Quintino


Rocket French
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O melhor curso de francês on line que já vi. Muito bom, no mesmo estilos das escolas de idiomas, trabalhando a fala, a escrita, a audição, além de fornecer acesso pelos smartfones e tabletes. O método tem especial atenção na pronuncia onde os professores falam pausadamente sons estranhos as outras línguas.

Amando Ramones

Amando Ramones

United States

Rocket Inglés
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Excelente curso, comienza de una forma básica aumentando el nivel de dificulta y repasando las lecciones, frases y palabras aprendidas a cada paso. Las lecciones están basadas en situaciones y diálogos de la vida real y frecuentes. Gracias Rocket English y OCLS (Orange County Library System)

Pablo Martin

Pablo Martin

Rocket German
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The best part of the course is that it works because of how addictive I am to it. I love working everyday using Rocket Language, so my skills are improving exponentially. Absolutely love this program, not even one regret of the purchase I made.

Margaret Sanders

Margaret Sanders

Crestview Florida

Rocket Italian
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Rocket Languages is a great starting point for learning a new language. The format is fun and easy! It makes learning an enjoyable challenge! I love the testing! My husband and I are both studying Italian and the badges given are a good motivation as well for us, especially if you're a bit competitive. I feel I am learning a lot from Rocket Language. I wish they would offer Dutch as a course as well. I must say though that many languages are offered, and that is fantastic! Thank you Rocket Languages for opening doors to new worlds!

Jim Roberts

Jim Roberts

Kansas City, Kansas , United States

Rocket Spanish
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We tried Pimsleur and Duolingo each for a month before finding Rocket Spanish. Two weeks into RS and we’re pleased and feel like we’re learning USEFUL conversational Espanol. We wsh RS allowed us our own learning profile on one account like Pimsleur does. Pimsleur Level 1 to us as Beginners was VERY boring and far less practical than Rocket. And, Duolingo is a nice phone app for vocabulary but we learned very little practical conversation Spanish. So for our money and the time we will invest Rocket was a very good find.


Peter Januario

Rocket German
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Becoming really addict to Rocket German. I love the challenge of this language learning system and I never feel bored. I look forward to practicing German every day. I whole heartedly recommend rocket German. It is a very well put together language program that helped me see a noticeable improvement in my German.

ali cole

Ali Cole

United States

Rocket French
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i always wanted to learn and now i'm learning and i love it so much