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Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

2 Stars

1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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carleno  quintino

Carleno Quintino


Rocket French
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O melhor curso de francês on line que já vi. Muito bom, no mesmo estilos das escolas de idiomas, trabalhando a fala, a escrita, a audição, além de fornecer acesso pelos smartfones e tabletes. O método tem especial atenção na pronuncia onde os professores falam pausadamente sons estranhos as outras línguas.

Cris Calhoun

Cris Calhoun

Rocket French
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I am picking up more French than I did in school. My wife speaks French and we can have short conversations just after 1 lesson. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to learn French. Love this product.

Margaret Sanders

Margaret Sanders

Crestview Florida

Rocket Italian
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Rocket Languages is a great starting point for learning a new language. The format is fun and easy! It makes learning an enjoyable challenge! I love the testing! My husband and I are both studying Italian and the badges given are a good motivation as well for us, especially if you're a bit competitive. I feel I am learning a lot from Rocket Language. I wish they would offer Dutch as a course as well. I must say though that many languages are offered, and that is fantastic! Thank you Rocket Languages for opening doors to new worlds!

Ayes Muharam

Ayes Muharam

Bekasi, West Java , Indonesia

Rocket Japanese
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Nice to meet you and I would like to say thank you very much that I can learn Japanese language through this site. I think it's suit for me as a beginner for learning a japanese language. COmpletely and easy to follow all instructions.

tara82  ommi

Tara82 Ommi


Rocket German
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I love Rocket Languages ,because it helps me to learn german words with their true pronounciation , it is very interesting site to me, but unfortunetly I can not pay for that to use all it's materials :(

Srishti Handa

Srishti Handa


Rocket Spanish
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this is a very good medium for those who have that craziness to achive somthing in there live . I had an excellent experience learning my favorite languages .The online mentors here are supportive and cross qustions at each and every step thi seems that i am sitting in a classroom understanding with a great ease

David Williamson

David Williamson

United States

Rocket Chinese
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I like the variety of teaching methods. The character writing portion is great.

Bob Negri

Bob Negri

Bloomington / Illinois , United States

Rocket German
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The Rocket German interface has been greatly improved over the last two years. I am very happy with the application now. I am currently powering my way through Level 1 so that I can get to Level 2. Almost there!

When I first purchase Rocket German two years ago, I found myself fighting constantly with the voice recognition interface. That is much improved. The practice the dialogs feature is nice. This iteration of the Rocket Languages user interface is very good. I will probably buy the Spanish version when the time comes based on my experience with Rocket German.

My one complaint is that some of the exercises are too long, like the one on countries. But those are few and far between.

Keep up the good work!

HORACIO Ibarra Hernanandez

Horacio Ibarra Hernanandez

Sinaloa , Mexico

Rocket English
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Quisiera conocer este sistema de enseñanza por qué me parece interesante

Noah Ruff

Noah Ruff

Croton on Hudson

Rocket Japanese
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I am really enjoying my Rocket Japanese experience so far. You all have really created a very well rounded system for learning a new language. I love the diversity of information and mediums of teaching.