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Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

2 Stars

1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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Lia Rogers

Lia Rogers

United States

Rocket Spanish
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Good if you're serious about learning. Provides very well explained lessons. Won't just throw words at you, but will explain in great detail when and how those words and phrases should be used. Gives a little insight into Latin American culture. Let's you practice reading, listening, and speaking. Explains grammar in a way that is not boring, but is thorough. Not for visual learners. No pictures. Not for people who aren't already very motivated to learn a language. Has a leaderboard and will track your streak, but not overall very game-like. If you finish all three courses you will be able to understand most conversations even if you don't know some of the words. Just try it!

Response from Rocket Languages

It's great to hear that you are enjoying the lessons and finding them well explained. We pride ourselves on comprehensiveness so it's great that you are seeing that in your studies. We wish you all the best with your Spanish journey with Rocket Languages!

Hala Massekh

Hala Massekh

Rocket French
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Its a very nice and easy way to learn how to read and pronounce the letters. I am very grateful to the staff of Rocket Languages, and I advice any beginner to start using it too.I would like them to add more and more lessons to help spread of learning french.

Leslie Dopkiss

Leslie Dopkiss

United States

Rocket Italian
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It's well organized and easy to use anywhere and anytime. Love the record and playback feature because it helps me hear how I sound compared to the instructor. I have the app as well, and use it in the car on my way to work. It was nice to be able to buy just the first lessons to see how well I liked it. I will definitely be buying the next set of lessons too.

Zelda Loarca

Zelda Loarca

Rocket German
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I am very surprised by the method of Rocket language. Recently acquired the Rocket german course, and the lessons are interesting and interactive. Of course, for this kind of course you with need a lot of motivation and discipline, but the advantage is that they give you guidelines to design your learning strategy. I'm really happy with my progress in German. Tschüss!

Jon Devine

Jon Devine


Rocket Italian
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This is the second time I have used an electronic based course for learning Italian. The first was about 15 years ago, and I did not proceed very far. The structure of this course is very clear and easy to follow, and surprisingly the points earning has exposed a hitherto unknown competitive nature which has assisted motivation to propel me forward. The only change I would make would be to have voice recognition rate your speech, rather than rate your own. The forum is useful, and customer service extremely prompt. 5 stars all around.

mirlinda muhaxheri

Mirlinda Muhaxheri


Rocket Italian
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The best web to learn the Italian language.becuase after wonderful lectures you have tests to complite and there you can put to the test yourself.I have benefited from lectures and testst,so I want you to do the same.

John Moreau

John Moreau

Rocket French
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I am only on my second French lesson, but so far I find Rocket Languages to be the best of the programs I have tried. It is similar to others, but the outstanding difference is the support from the staff and of the folks in the forum section.

Mary Cristy Alingalan

Mary Cristy Alingalan

tagbina , Philippines

Rocket English
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i am so glad that i find this apps in the google because i learn alot about my study and this a big help for the beginners. to understand.

Dave Tang

Dave Tang

Toronto , Canada

Rocket Spanish
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I have tried other apps, this works the best for me. I really like the download/offline mode so I can practise without the internet. I am making good progress. Feliz aprendiendo, gracais.

Kara Benson

Kara Benson

United States

Rocket Spanish
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My only complaint is that the Spanish keyboard is difficult to use and would be best if it were just built directly into the screen instead of me having to pull it out for each individual exercise. Other than that, I love this system. It is so user friendly, personalized, and easy to navigate. It is thorough in the way it teaches the material and gives the user a lot of freedom to make choices along the way.