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Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

2 Stars

1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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mirlinda muhaxheri

Mirlinda Muhaxheri


Rocket Italian
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The best web to learn the Italian language.becuase after wonderful lectures you have tests to complite and there you can put to the test yourself.I have benefited from lectures and testst,so I want you to do the same.

John Moreau

John Moreau

Rocket French
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I am only on my second French lesson, but so far I find Rocket Languages to be the best of the programs I have tried. It is similar to others, but the outstanding difference is the support from the staff and of the folks in the forum section.

Rocky Ashby

Rocky Ashby

Rocket Spanish
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Doing the trial version currently. This program appears to be very good. Good chance that I'm going to upgrade. Rocket Spanish is much more economical than the competition. I will continue the trial version to make my final decision.

Rolf Streit

Rolf Streit


Rocket French
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I like the manner which you teach . It suits my abilities

Response from Rocket Languages

That's fantastic to hear, Rolf. Thank you for being a part of our Rocket French community, and keep up the fantastic work!

Lautaro alonso

Lautaro Alonso

Buenos Aires , Argentina

Rocket English
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estoy muy satisfecho gracias a esta pagina pude hablar español fluido en verdad 10/10

Mutemwa Masheke

Mutemwa Masheke

United States

Rocket French
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Extremely comprehensive learning platform - better than anything I have ever used

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Mutemwa, thank you for your review. We're ecstatic to hear that you consider Rocket French to be the gold standard of French language learning. We wish you all the best with your French language journey!

ronald gustavo

Ronald Gustavo

United States

Rocket German
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I liebe Deutsch so viel sehr eine gute Deuscht curse

Response from Rocket Languages

It's great to hear that you love German and the Rocket German course. We wish you all the best with your future German lessons!


Porsche_guy Th

Bangkok , Thailand

Rocket Japanese
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Hello all,
This is the best inspiration apps to learn all Japanese cultural and language by myself. Many thanks to Sayaka-san and Rocket JP team for the most useful tools on this web. I was premium member of this packages, that I can come back to practices and improve my language skill anytime I want. So, that's great to me every time I launch to Rocket Languages .

Thank you

ali cole

Ali Cole

United States

Rocket French
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i always wanted to learn and now i'm learning and i love it so much

Nikita Kamensky

Nikita Kamensky

Moscow , Russian Federation

Rocket Chinese
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I'm moving to China next year and had no knowledge of chinese, didn't know where to start, so Rocket Chinese was very useful for me a start to my learning path. Learning the language takes everyday practice and this site allows to do just that. I was plesantly surprised with level of exercises, I didn't think an online course would give me a chance to pratice spelling and writing.

Even if you want to take live lessons, I highly recommend to start with Rocket Chinese and use live lessons as supplementary materials later, once you've grasped the basics. Will save you lots of time and money! I highly recommend Rocket Chinese (and other Rocket Languages, I've also tried Rocket Spanish) for all you beginner learners like me.