Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.
I prefer more grammar rules and explanations starting out. So far the program is very basic. More vocabulary would be better.
I Have Been Enjoying My German Learning Through Rocket German. I Like That Each Lesson Explains What You Are Learning And There Are Opportunities To Review Everything I Have Learnt Looking Forward To Doing More And More Lessons.
I don't like that the woman speaks Spanish with an american accent.
I would like to learn correct pronunciation from natives, not american speaking with accent
The accent is laughable. As in, my spanish friends couldn't stop laughing. It's Mexican spanish, in a bad accent. The plays and lessons are mired in stereotypes, sexist, and awful. As far as actually learning Spanish goes, I'm struggling on with it, but I can't say it's really helped so far. Hopefully it will start sticking, but having spent six weeks in Madrid recently, I didn't feel this course helped me at all, and I was still struggling with even the most basic conversations. There doesn't seem to be any background to the lessons, or intricacies of the verbs and their conjugations, which are just brushed over.
I've paid for it now, so will keep persevering for the moment, but I regret the purchase.
Response from Rocket Languages
A wide variety of voices are used on Rocket Spanish. They are mainly Latin American, as that is the Spanish being taught. Mauricio is from Chile, there are also voices from Ecuador, Nicaragua, Argentina and more!
At the begining i was impressed by the course, especially in the "intercative audio lessons" but in my opinion the grammar section "language and cultural lesson" it is a mess, sometimes very complicated without a clear path. It is weird and does not make really sense, there are not enough explanation concerning the rules and new words.
About the writing section i can say it is ok.
It feel like the chinese course is a
Rocket misses the mark in many ways. Teaching phrases without a literal translation is not helpful. Ideally, one should know what each word in the sentence is, so that one can then compose one's own sentences. Additionally, the speakers speak very quickly and one can't really tell how they are pronouncing the words in spite of having them spelled out in cyrillic. Also when teaching color names, why aren't' there colors on the screen, or at least on the flash cards? And when there are nouns, why not a picture of the object? I've been learning languages for many years, and I like some of Rocket Language's features, but I have to say that Pimsleur, does a much better job of teaching one to actually speak and understand the language, and they give literal translations and help one understand the context and syntax of words. But Pimsleur only teaches the audio, and they are way too expensive to only do that. Rocket Languages does offer voice comparison, but I have my doubts as to how good it really is at telling me how close I am to correct pronunciation. Rocket Languages is okay, but not the greatest. However, it is affordable. But, their customer service isn't very good.
When I was using Rosetta Stone, whenever I opened it (and I could always find access) it opened to wherever I had left off. That would all be very helpful for Rocket language to offer and it doesn't, or I don't know how to find it. Perhaps I could get some help.
Response from Rocket Languages
Rocket does do that. You just have to earn some points on a lesson for it to be remembered!
I think more emphasize should be placed in Hangul! Its the foundation of the language and everything is so jumbled. Consonant, vowels should be separated and thought differently. I learned by watch children videos of sing alongs in Hangul. Like they make it so simple there. Its ok I guess... It needs more material to be concise. But good program
Bon, J'aime les langues et Rocket French m'a donné une bonne chance pour pratiquer la langue français. J'ai trouvé une bonne oppurtunite pour l'ecriture, la partie oral et l'écoute. Bien sûr j'ai besoin de pratiquer la conversation, je crois que la conversation est le chose plus importante, j'espère que Rocket French a un moyen pour fait la conversation entre éleves
So far RL is okay. The audios are entertaining, but a tad slow and I wished that they were a bit less English-heavy as it really breaks my French-thinking mindset. Any technical issues (and there are quite a few given the nature of the voice recognition software) that are reported fall onto deaf ears. Overall, it's an okay program, but needs heavy supplementation from grammar and vocab books (as all learners should have anyway).