Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.
Rocket has been awesome for helping me to reconnect with my high school french, which I studied over 20 years ago. Great how it covers listening, speaking and reading/writing. I love how interactive it is, makes it actually really fun!! Easy to set personal challenges with the score keeping and badges etc.
Rocket languages is both easy to use and fun to work with. The interactive lessons are brilliant and a great way to learn and the writing lessons are cogent and informative. I hope this software can improve my arabic to conversational level and I feel it endeavours to do so.
I have been living in USA for many years so had tried other Spanish language courses. Rocket has been the best I have ever tried. It tests you with conversations so that every lesson you get to practice talking as well as writing. It really is awesome. I have recommended it to all my friends and I can't wait to get to use my new second language on all my Spanish speaking friends. Thank you Rocket for your wonderful courses!
I enjoyed learning a lot and I have benefited rocket languages is the best way to learn new language and it can help you to learn fast and easy
In one lesson you will find how much you learn and after you finish all your lesson you can speak with confidence.
It really helps me a lot, and I will continue to use it great website. It helps with vocab, the way you say the words, conversation, and so much more. You can also download your lesson and go with where ever you want. I like that you can save words to you vocab list, I put words taht I would use daily on my list and I go over them everyday and that helps with learning it more.
Honestly it's a good way to learn a new language. The program carries on and reviews what the lesson before did; then it carries on and adds more to give you a great foundation to carry you a long way. Obviously study what you learned. Most importantly this program helps but without interaction with the German speaking world it's hard to maintain fluency. You need to skype with someone, speak with someone, or you need to go to Germany for sometime. Great program though.
Rocket Spanish combines the best practices for language learning with interactive technology. The interactive conversation drills have given me confidence to quickly express myself knowing that both my grammar and pronunciation are correct. I recommend Rocket Spanish to anyone wishing to quickly learn conversational Spanish for Latin America.
Rocket Languages has really been perfecting their approach to language acquisition with the Spanish Travelogue (and I have been through the other three levels). The course is wonderfully varied to keep me interested, and by the time I’ve finished a lesson, the phrases stick – and, most importantly, are useable. When I speak in Spanish to one of my Skype contacts about the lesson, I am speaking with a very competent level of fluency. What could be better than that?
Btw, the storyline describes an incredible trip through Latin America. I can’t wait to visit some of these places…
I recently became frustrated with the slow pace of another online Spanish language program and started poking around the I'net for reviews and commentary. Rocket Spanish really stood out from the crowd. I signed on for a trial run and Immediately "took off". In place of beautiful graphics and endless repetition of very limited vocabulary, with little grammatical assistance, I found intensive drills and dialogs with careful explanation of Spanish's many puzzling (for English users) distinctions in usage.
I especially appreciate the chance to keep hammering away at a troublesome phrase in "Hear It/Say It" and "Know It" until I can duplicate the speaker's pronunciation, although there are a few odd words, like "Ah" and Mauricio's last name (Evlampieff) that never seem to get interpreted quite right. Subtle little touches, like the running point totals, help provide a more or less continuous push to keep working at it.
I am more than pleased with my progress thus far and hope to follow the course through to its concluseion.
Method: Love the repetition of the content in different forms (listening, typing, reading, role playing). I can learn the material in very different ways instead of just memorizing it all by heart.
Design: The best features are line-by-line audio and vocab. Very useful when I want to hear certain words/lines over and over again.
Content: Very useful and practical. However, Russian only has one level (please add more!).
Experience: I'm extremely pleased with the learning experience.