Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.
Even though I am retired, I still find it very easy to learn Spanish with Rocket. My wife and I are preparing for a trip to South America. This course is wonderful. I love all the different ways that are available to study the language. I would highly recommend it to anyone.
(Japanese, Level 1 review) Methodically located somewhere between Pimsleur, YesJapan/Japanese From Zero and Japanesepod101, Rocket Japanese provides a strong, content-rich guided learning experience that can serve as a backbone to any serious self-learning effort. Of all the programs I have tried (including Rosetta Stone, Textfugu, WaniKani, Living Language, the Genki textbooks and those mentioned above), this is certainly the most comprehensive and challenging from the start.
Conversation exercises, which are at the core of the program, are very well executed and the speech recognition system ensures that there is a degree of accountability here. For auditive learners such as myself, these work just as well if not better than Pimsleur, which is an old but effective way to memorize phrases and gain some initial conversational skills.
The main weakness of Rocket Japanese comes in the lack of a spaced repetition system. I STRONGLY advise learners to use an external flashcard software (such as Anki) or analogue flashcards for their vocab learning. Since actually creating flashcards is in itself good practice, however, I wouldn't deduct any points for this given the overall strong showing on display.
Having some familiarity with Spanish, I appreciate the conversational approach to learning vs simple memorization of vocabulary words. I'll be interested to see how this enhances my retention. So far, so good!
I've tried rosetta stone, duolingo, memrise, etc, and none have even come close to the comprehensive experience rocket languages has provided me with. It blows my mind that I leave the audio lessons with a sense of confidence that I accurately remembered everyword that Kenny and Sayaka had us repeat. Really well done.
I love the all round tuition of Rocket - listening, speaking and writing. It gives me a much better comprehension than previous courses tried which were mostly just about listening and repeating. Have not had any problems with the microphone or play back.
I have retired in rural France and wish to improve my conversational French. Rocket French gave me a good basis a few years back and although I can explain myself and get by I need to learn the finer points. Comprehension is my problem so I need to listen to French that I can have translated.
Great program, very interactive. Makes you stay on track, slowly teaching you the needed words, phrases, sentences... Very good speech recognition software, highly effective. If I take up more languages, I will definitely use Rocket Languages!
Rocket German is my 3rd Rocket language course: it is awesome and it let me learn the basics quickly.
I would highly recommend it to get a primer of the language and as a support to grammar classes or books.
If you need a basic to intermediate command of the language, Rocket is definitely enough, plus it helps really A LOT with pronunciation!
Then, if you are aiming to master a foreign language I can share what worked for me. I learnt French and Portuguese in less than 1 year (well enough to be able to work in those languages) and I am progressing very quickly with German right now.
I have started with Rocket premium level 1, then I have taken few private classes while continuing with Rocket.
At the same time, I try to listen to the Radio and watch movies in foreign language whenever possible.
Whatever is your goal, I cannot stress enough the importance of Rocket Language in learning a new language.
I have enjoyed Rocket Spanish. The lessons are excellent to listen to and I feel like I am understanding the Spanish language much better.
Rocket Spanish has been a good investment to help me learn Spanish.
The classes are simply awesome, especially the interactive sessions. They make you feel like you are already on your way to speaking great German! The pronunciations and grammatical nuances are clearly explained and there are lots of examples to learn from. I love Rocket German!!