Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5264 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.6% (4140)

4 Stars

13.9% (733)

3 Stars

4.1% (214)

2 Stars

1.5% (78)

1 Star

1.9% (99)

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Evelyn Riedel

Evelyn Riedel

United States

Rocket Arabic
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The content is good, but it is difficult to go through the lesson because Erica's voice is so annoying. It is also a bit frustrating when they give you so much time to repeat the words/phrases slowly, but not enough time to repeat the words/phrases quickly. I really do want to do all the lessons, but Erica is auditory hell

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Evelyn, thank you for your review. We're sorry to hear that you are not enjoying the voice of our Rocket Arabic host. All your feedback has been passed on to the Arabic team to review. All the best!

Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith


Rocket French
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The combination of the online tools and the ability to listen to the lessons whilst doing other things provides a really powerful learning combination. I particularly value the ability to watch and listen to my own attempts and compare them with a good French speaker!

Tim Beyrau

Tim Beyrau

Mandevlle LA , United States

Rocket Spanish
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Although I am making progress learning Spanish, the app has several bugs that have certainly affected my pace of learning. Missing translations/text are not uncommon. Sometimes it takes deleting and reinstalling the app to get it working. On some lessons it simply will not work no matter what action you take. Customer support has not been able to resolve the matter and I have decided that you get what you pay for. With the regular discounts offered as well as the supposed one-time price cut to entice you to buy all 3 level at the onset, I found the course fairly inexpensive. If the bugs ever get worked out, I would then consider this one of the best language courses available.

ショーン T

ショーン T

埼玉 , Japan

Rocket Japanese
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TL:DR -These courses are worth bothering with and a fair deal but don't expect perfection or a miracles.

This was sold to me (by external reviews) as being better than Rosetta stone and the current market leader in comprehensive language learning for self study, and yeah it is better and may be the best all around, but it's still far from perfect. There are other products that are distinctly better for certain aspects of Japanese study, but this one is a good all-rounder.

It is very much like a by the book language study course that you would get in a generic language school.
It's not groundbreaking, but it's very solid and should successfully teach any diligent student some extent of their target language.

Given that you get hundreds of hours of lessons that you can do at your own pace I think the price is great value but I can't quite give 5 stars because there are some flaws in the product and service.

Unlike many free apps you aren't limited to 5 or 10 mins per day which means that the system can take its time to teach you slowly and methodically, and that if you have a lot of free time (and almost everybody does at the time of writing mid-April 2020) then you can do an hour or more everyday.

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Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Sean - Thanks for submitting a review. Some interesting observations in there! I thought that I would comment on a couple of things; This year Rocket Japanese is scheduled to have a total review of the course content. We realize that there are some issues and are moving to address those. With regards the romanization toggle; this seems to be working. Can you please provide screenshots to customer support of where it doesn't seem to be working? There was an issue with the voice recognition difficulty in that you had to refresh the page for the change to take effect. That has now been rectified, so it should just work. And we will look into the review system as well. In fact we are re-factoring the entire members area into a new code base, so it's timely to look at some aspects that haven't been looked at for a while. The new version is due out later in the year.

Laura Westley

Laura Westley

United States

Rocket Japanese
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I am just starting Rocket Japanese and so far I quite like it, with one exception so far. I decided to approach learning Japanese methodically and to try to master each concept before moving on. The problem is that in Module 1, there is a section on numbers, and it teaches numbers from 1 to 100,000,000. Obviously, there are patterns and generalizations one can make across the 10s, 100s, 1000s, etc, but there is a lot to learn here in one large gulp and now I have lost my momentum with the language learning. I feel the numbers should be introduced in smaller chunks so that one can progress with new vocabulary and grammar at the same time. I have been bogged down with number learning for days.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Laura, thank you for your review. We're sorry to hear that you've lost momentum. Learning a new language is a huge undertaking, especially a language with a completely different writing system like Japanese. The Level 1 course is aligned with the JLPT, meaning we are teaching the number basics including 百 and 万 in this level. We've kept the lesson light, with less than 50 phrases in the testing section. The numbers lessons for Levels 2 and 3 deal with more advanced concepts like counters. We've emailed you with some helpful tips for learning a new language which we hope will help you get the most out of your course. All the best!

Bogdan Chernyachuk

Bogdan Chernyachuk


Rocket Spanish
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The courses itself are well structured and have intuitive user interface. I also like that you often repeat phrases in next lessons.
However the performance of the web site and its responsiveness is not always very good. I had few days when lessons hangs and I also see that while doing speaking exercises it is quite often that it will not catch the phrase I speak even after 2-3 attempts.

David Burgess

David Burgess

NSW , Australia

Rocket French
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Voice recognition is very variable with certain short words. eg un, deux trois. The rest of the numbers appear fine. How do you get better than 35% on a one word answer eg être?
Overall I think the programme is very good

Ethan Jordan

Ethan Jordan

United States

Rocket Spanish
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Affordable compared to RS. Like not having to use discs and being able to use a tablet. Like the grammar explanations, but haven't yet found all of the verb tenses in Spanish premium. Admittedly though, I've been quite lazy and haven't used the program as much as I should. It's not a program that makes you can't wait to get back to it. You need to be self motivated. I suppose that's true of the others, too.

Hayley Ng

Hayley Ng


Rocket Chinese
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I'm stuck on 1.1 It can't recognise me saying the name "Dave" and "Lewis". And Xing for last name and Na for which. I swear I'm saying it long and low but it keeps thinking I'm saying the other na.

I'm still in the free trial and I'm not sure if this is just a bug I can skip or if i have to pass this.

Response from Rocket Languages

We're sorry to hear that you've been having trouble. If you aren't already, we recommend that you use a headset when recording yourself - any background noise can affect the quality of the voice recognition. If you continue to have trouble, please contact the Customer Support team for further assistance.

Jeanine Woodell

Jeanine Woodell

United States

Rocket Italian
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I am using Rocket Italian as a review to the Italian I studied "Molti anni fa" in college so that I can be more fluent and approachable when I travel. I like the pace and the ability to skip around. However, the American accent of Alex is distracting and there is too much spoken English. I can see if a beginner is trying to get traction it might be okay. I am looking forward to moving up into the later levels. Overall, hearing so much English and the English accent is distracting. There are also some grammar errors in the translations along the way. For the price, I would expect more flawless execution. However overall, I like the conversational approach and the ability to hop around to get what I need to progress.