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Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

2 Stars

1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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Magnus B.

Magnus B.


Rocket Italian
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I have always been interested in Italian culture, and I thought while I am still young, I want to pursue my dream of speaking the language. I searched through the internet both on forums, reddit, youtube etc. and ended up purchasing all levels of the Italian course. I haven't been doing too many lessons, but so far satisfied with the courses. Especially the chemistry within the two teachers is entertaining :)

Mahogany Holder

Mahogany Holder

United States

Rocket Spanish
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I love this program, you get so much material for a great price. I use Rocket Spanish in combination with Pimsleur Spanish. And im having great success. If you give this program a month you will surely be able to speak and understand basic conversations. In my opinion no one Spanish program will completely make you fluent, but this is a good start.

Andrew Dilernia

Andrew Dilernia


Rocket Chinese
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So far I am really enjoying the Rocket program for Chinese. I think if I had chosen any other language to study my progress would be much faster, but with the Chinese I am going slowly because I am trying to learn the characters at the same time as the spoken language. So I don't proceed to the next lesson until I can comfortably write the characters. I learn the spoken phrases quickly, but the written characters come more slowly. It feels almost I am learning two languages at the same time. I don't know if I am supposed to concentrate so much on the writing, and maybe I should progress faster through the audio. I'm not even sure there is a right way to do it. But anyway, I am having fun with it, and I am glad I bought it.

Alexander Delguercio

Alexander Delguercio

PENNSYLVANIA , United States

Rocket Russian
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Rocket language is amazing. I've purchased the Chinese, Arabic, and Russian. You will not find a better language learning resource out there period. The affordable price (especially on sale days) is only the cherry on top. Rocket languages is user friendly, and there's literally SO MUCH material and lessons conveniently in the app. All it takes is clicking on the app, no repeated logging in necessary and you are ready to go. The interactive lessons are around 15 to 20 minutes long, perfect for when I'm commuting to school. If you find that there is too much English instruction in the audio lesson, there is the option to listen to only the foreign conversation , and if you can comprehend those conversations, trust me you are learning. My only complaint is there is no repeat loop option for the interactive lessons so as soon as a lesson is over I have to go back into the app and press play again. Customer service is definitely about helping you and I had a good experience with them. I highly recommend Rocket Language and encourage anyone to at the least check it out.

Treasire Hunter

Treasire Hunter

United States

Rocket Japanese
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Love it thus far. But the pace seems to be picking up rather quickly. For example i feel they are not leave enough time in between word or parses for you to repeat when compared to previous lessons. Don't get me wrong i expected it to eventually speed up but i'm only on the third lesson. I've found myself having to review this lesson a lot more then the first two because it was so hard to keep up at first. Even so i still really enjoy Rocket Japanese as you can tell form the start of my review and would highly recommend it to anyone looking to learn Japanese.

Matthew Douglass

Matthew Douglass

Massachusetts , United States

Rocket Japanese
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I started about 4 days ago and have put in about 15-20 hours studying because it is so much fun. I have not felt bored or overwhelmed at all even when faced with the thousands of kanji to remember. I love the pace the audio lessons setup to begin with. Although, the third lesson in particular was tough to keep up with but it seems to just be an editing mistake not leaving enough time to repeat the phrases. I have had an amazing experience and have learned so much so far. I even found myself waking up this morning to repeating Japanese phrases as soon as I opened my eyes. It is very refreshing to enjoy learning something new after having been out of school for a few years. My goal with this knowledge is to supplement my chemistry degree and get into an international company working with Japanese businesses.

Sheryl Nicholson

Sheryl Nicholson

California , United States

Rocket Spanish
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Multiple learning techniques, great for visual as well as auditory learners. My granddaughter enjoys learning with me. Easy way to learn conversational languages . Although the recorder doesn't always work it still helps me learn.

Nicholas Scotchmer

Nicholas Scotchmer

United Kingdom

Rocket Italian
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I am coming to the end of the second module in Level 1 Italian after a few weeks of studying for about an hour per day. I like the structure of the course overall and enjoy the various methods used to help the language penetrate my slow brain! At times there does seem to be a slight disconnect though in the sense that the ‘language and culture’ sections which follow the situational interactive audio lessons provide information that would have been useful to know prior to commencing the latter. Looked another way, I guess I could say that they reinforce the earlier lessons but, for me, some of this knowledge would have been useful ‘up front’ to assist in the understanding of those lessons. That aside, to date, I am very happy with the course; it has held my attention and kept me motivated. Let’s see if this remains the case in the coming months and years!

Jessa Bjork

Jessa Bjork

United States

Rocket Korean
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The program is very easy to get used to. It helps keep you interested in the language, and gives you real world examples. The only thing I would like is more information about writing and reading. Otherwise this is a great program for anyone wanting to learn a new language.

Greg Hopkins

Greg Hopkins

PG , Italy

Rocket Italian
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Rockt Italian is very well designed. There is lots of repitition. Learning aids such as flash cards and the voice recording feature make this the best overall package I've found. The prompts in English, in which you are required to provide the correct word in Italian, cement the learning and highlight the words and phrases that haven't stuck. The biggest obstacle to learning is my own brain. After months, and hours of hours of practice, my progress in the real world is quite limited. I am recognizing more and more individual words and phrases. Things like numbers, days of the week, names of vegetables and products at the store, etc. are becoming familiar. However, I still cannot hold a simple conversation. But it's due to my facilty with learning a language, not the program. I mention this because there's no magical cure to learn a language. Lots and lots of practice and hearing the language in everyday transactions is the only way.

The only poorly-performing feature is the voice recordings in the practice exercises. I have a good headset with a microphone almost touching my mouth. It often doesn't work--the program can't pick up what I'm saying, or hears it wrong. There should be a built-in mic test in the program that lets you boost the levels and dial it in bettter. Or just a better recording module installed.