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Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

2 Stars

1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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Kristen Amrhein

Kristen Amrhein

Delray Beach florida , United States

Rocket Italian
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Really GREAT ! lessons are fun and interesting.
Enough repetition for learning enhancement but not boring.
I am only half way through lesson two of level one and have learned so much. And when I have completed level one I will enthusiastically purchase level two.

Ashil T. Sebastian

Ashil T. Sebastian

Karnataka , India

Rocket French
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The format is very interesting and easy to learn. The lessons are in bite-sized chunks and easy to memorise. I started about a week back and I am happy with the progress I am making. Thank you Rocket Languages!

Stephen Williams

Stephen Williams

New smyrna Beach, Fl , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I purchased Rocket Languages last year, but haven't had much of a chance to practice. I emailed the question if there is a time limit that I must learn my language by. They quickly responded that I have a Lifetime membership. That is what I was expecting, and what they delivered. Very Good. I encourage others to buy their language product and not be worried about how long it takes to learn. And that even includes any changes and improvements that they make to the course in the future.

With that type of Customer Service, they can be trusted!!


Bjørnulf Hansen

Bjørnulf Hansen

Moen , Norway

Rocket German
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This is the 2nd time I buy this course , first time every thing work perfect, but now I cannot do any exercises because the microphone do not find the learning material. I have tried many solutions but nothing works. What am I suposed to do ?. I see on the Internet that I am not alone facing theese problems. I am not happy with this . Have a nice day. BEST REGARDS BJ. hANSEN

Note from Rocket Languages: Hi Hansen, thanks for submitting this review. Our Customer Support Team has contacted you to solve any issues you might have. All the best with your language learning! The Rocket Languages Team.

Russell Hudson

Russell Hudson

Folsom, California , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I am heading to Costa Rica early next year for a vacation and thought it would be good to have some local Spanish language skills. I tried a few on-line and other software program trials but found Rocket to have what I wanted at the price I was willing to pay. I am 69 so learning new things is quite a bit more difficult than it used to be, but it keeps my mind active which is a benefit most people would not think of. So far I am enjoying the program and have learned quite a bit. This program also goes into why things are said the way they are said and also provides you with additional info to add to your learning experience. As with learning any language, practice is necessary. Rocket provides an easy and precise way of practicing any or all of what you have learned which is very helpful and doesn't require you to "endure" the things you don't want to replay. I did use the Rocket customer service regarding two questions I had. They were very responsive and resolved my needs. So far I am quite pleased with my purchase and recommend it to others

Chris Maude

Chris Maude

Reading , United Kingdom

Rocket Italian
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Quite simply, Rocket works! I’ve tried other major products with previous languages, that weren’t nearly as effective as Rocket, despite them costing a lot. I am learning Italian at a much quicker rate than I expected based on previous experience, and it’s sticking! I like the repetition and reinforcement methodology, supported via multiple tools, including flash cards and voice recognition exercises. I highly recommend Rocket compared to others.

Jason Wagner

Jason Wagner

United States

Rocket Italian
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We are going to Italy in 3 months and I decided to try the trail of rocket language after reading reviews of this product and others. So far I am loving it! I feel confident by trip time Ill be able to carry on some conversations in Italian and understand some or what the locals are saying. Very happy with how rocket language goes about teaching!

Cat Price

Cat Price

United States

Rocket Japanese
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This is the most effective Japanese program I've tried so far. I love the reinforcement after every lesson. I have Duolingo and listen to the Pimsleur learning course through Audible, and I think the Rocket Japanese course really puts everything together nicely. Already, I feel like my Japanese has definitely improved.

leah marie

Leah Marie

United Arab Emirates

Rocket Arabic
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I have been living inthe UAE for 13 years now and haven't really had the time to officially learn arabic. I've been to Egypt a lot and it encouraged me to learn. I am so happy to find Egyptian Arabic course here and I am really progressing a lot.

I would love to learn more after this course. You could learn at your own pace. I usually do the reviews of past lesson before i head on to another lesson. An i find this more helpful for me. I also practice speaking what i learned to arabic friends and they are impressed.

Thank you for this and i wish Rocket Languages more success.

Ma'a assalama!

Michael Winland

Michael Winland

United States

Rocket Italian
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Rocket Italian is great! I've tried many other programs and prefer Rocket to them all. The mix of activities and resources just plain works for me. By the end of the first trial day I was hooked.