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Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

2 Stars

1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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Tom O'Gara

Tom O'gara

Winnetka , United States

Rocket Spanish
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Quite enjoyable. I/m using this a a refresher for conversation with my employees and I appreciate the use of idioms
and understanding of meaning in the conversation lessons.
Well Done. I plan to continue with future lessons.
Thank you
Tom O'Gara

Peter Penzini

Peter Penzini

Caracas , Venezuela

Rocket French
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I’m just starting but so far I think is an excellent course

Kevin Lynch

Kevin Lynch

Dana Point / California , United States

Rocket Italian
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Rocket Italian is the best application for learning Italian; great dialogue and practice exercises reinforce learning in an enjoyable format

rafael lainez

Rafael Lainez

Texas , United States

Rocket German
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Fantastic product, congratulations. I particularly enjoy the fluidity of the lessons. Conversation, additional vocabulary, then straight into practice what you just learned!

Steven Murphy

Steven Murphy


Rocket Spanish
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I got to the Spanish Interactive Audio Lesson 1.6 and I give up. The Rocket Record is terrible. I have a headset with a microphone (I'm not using my computer's built-in mic) and I have problems with the transcriptions about 40% of the time - and, believe it or not, it's not me. I live in Spain and I'm often told that my pronunciation is very good. Incredibly frustrating. Also, in the exercises, they'll ask you what is the Spanish for, say, "doctor" but they don't tell you if they want masculine or feminine. There are a number of spelling mistakes as well: such as when there's no accent mark where there should be an accent mark. And I love you Amy but, boy, are you annoying. The audio lessons are much too long and could easily be shortened if Amy would just get to the point. Finally, a note to Maurice: no means NO. If you ask someone if you can take her photo and she says no, drop it and move on. If you ask a woman for her phone number and she politely demurs, as Amy did, back off. You're creeping me out, man!

With regards the masc/fem notation; we have only been notating when it is the feminine version, as otherwise the amount of notations would be enormous.

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Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Steven - Thanks for submitting a review. Are you mainly using the course on Safari? or the iOS app? There haven't been any reports of voice recognition problems that I know of, but we would like to get to the bottom of what's causing your issues in case it affects other people as well. Please send as much detail as you can to customer support.

Celeste Estrella

Celeste Estrella

Texas , United States

Rocket Korean
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first time using it was a lot of fun learning new words I don't know but it is amazing .

Stacie Andrea

Stacie Andrea


Rocket Korean
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It's a very good platform to learn different languages and the lessons are detailed! I've been using this since almost 3 years ago but I've recently managed to plan my time and continue learning Korean. My experience has been great and I would definitely recommend using rocket languages to my other friends. In fact, I already have! I'm planning to get more Korean lessons when I save up more money for the premium access! Can't wait to get there soon!

Carlos Lopez

Carlos Lopez

Carmichael , United States

Rocket German
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Rocket Language is a Great Tool To learn Any Language.
I am studying German and i like the Rocket Language Format.
Great Job.

shane atinado

Shane Atinado

iloilo city , Philippines

Rocket Korean
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I learn Japanese and Spanish and hangul so I could travel my fav. place!

Markus Pfeiffer

Markus Pfeiffer


Rocket Italian
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Its all in all a nice way to learn a language, I'm currently in the trial for Italian and Japanese as those are the 2 languages that I am currently learning. It would be even better if the app would not always crash when trying to do the flashcards.

Besides that I am happy with what this program offers.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Markus - I believe an update is due out to fix that FlashCard issue!