Rocket Languages Reviews

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5264 Customer Reviews

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78.6% (4140)

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13.9% (733)

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4.1% (214)

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1.5% (78)

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1.9% (99)

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Kristen Gast

Kristen Gast

California , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I think conceptually, it's great. The progression of language makes a lot of sense to me and feels natural. A few critiques: it is very geared toward traveling to South America as a tourist or for work or something, so if you're learning Spanish for any other reason, this doesn't give you a lot of the vocabulary that would probably be useful. Also, though the concept is great, there are still a lot of kinks that need to be worked out so that it actually functions properly. Things are often misspelled, especially in the later lessons. If there are multiple ways to say the same thing, there is almost no indication which way they expect you to use, and you get docked if you say the one other than expected. Also, the software has a really hard time picking up what you're saying, so you can pronounce things the exact same way, and one time it's correct and the next time it's incorrect because the software just isn't good at understanding verbal language. So overall, really good product, I just wish they had spent a little more time developing it and working out the bugs before rolling it out.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Kristen - Thanks for the feedback. We are halfway through rewriting Rocket Spanish (Level 1 was re-released a couple of months ago). We hope to have the new Level 2 up soon. As far as the voice recognition goes, for the best results we recommend a headset microphone otherwise the system can have difficulty with short words/phrases in particular.

kurt larson

Kurt Larson


Rocket German
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Sometimes the written text does not exactly follow the verbal

Response from Rocket Languages

Thanks so much for your feedback. Our apologies for any inconvenience caused. Please don't hesitate to contact the customer support team ([email protected]) with any examples you come across so that we can get them corrected ASAP.

wong ivy

Wong Ivy

beijing , China

Rocket Spanish
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the excercises are less,even too simple. Every single charpter is well,like order menu,book room,Say,the price is satisfing each one,and I hope it can open to everyone for free,that's exciting, or make some easy games or Words Puzzle; whatever it like , it make learner more keen to learning, and make a better memory,learn all word and prase by heart.

Rachel Shapiro

Rachel Shapiro

United States

Rocket Italian
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For the price this is a very good program and the interactive sections are easy to understand. I've used other online programs and so far this one is the best. My main dissatisfaction with it has to do with the organization of the information presented. After the self study sections it would make sense to use the new vocabulary and/or concepts presented during the interactive lessons. For example: There's an entire lesson dealing with the weather but no where in the succeeding interactive lessons is there any discussion of weather. When vocabulary is not used, it's easily forgotten. And you end up with little sense of how to include it in conversation. Also, when new grammatical concepts are introduced in the interactive lessons there isn't always a discussion of the concept. Examples: (1) Nel, nella, negli are presented in unit 4. It's a completely new group of prepositional phrases, but there's no explanation. (2) When nouns ending in E are pluralized, the ending is always i (as in the masculine) regardless of whether the noun is masculine or feminine. I purchased an Italian grammar book and was able to clear up my confusion around this, but it should have been mentioned in one of the lessons where a plural feminine noun ended in an i. These are just the most recent issues of this kind I've encountered. There are more. So, more thought regarding organization and presentation would be warranted.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hello Rachel, thank you for taking the time to leave such a detailed review. We're glad to hear that the interactive component of Rocket Italian is helping you with your language learning. We're sorry that you're finding the layout of the course difficult to navigate. I have shared your feedback with our Product Development team for their consideration. As it stands, our Audio lessons are designed to improve your speaking and listening skills, rather than focusing on grammar. For grammar-related topics, we recommend checking out our Language and Culture lessons. We appreciate your support and wish you all the best with your language-learning journey!

Matthew McDonald

Matthew Mcdonald


Rocket Chinese
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I'm currently only halfway through the second lesson, but it seems good so far. You should be aware that the main reason I'm writing this review, is because they'll give me $10 cash back if I do.

Note that there are a lot of special offers, and the one they email you may not be the best one available at the time. Also, if you're paying by credit card, and you're not in the US, you will probably get a better deal if you pay in USD, and let your bank do the currency conversion, instead of taking the option to pay in your local currency.

Honestly though, it does seem pretty good so far, and seems to be very good value.

Frank Guerruccio

Frank Guerruccio

United States

Rocket Korean
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I am really enjoying this course so far. I like that you can skip a lesson if it may not pertain to you or your current goal and then come back to it later. I also love being able to listen to the Interactive Audio lessons again later on my phone to reinforce the lesson I did for the day.
One thing that would be better, is if it asked you to write a review at the end of a lesson to not interrupt your learning.

Response from Rocket Languages

Thanks so much for your review, Frank - it sounds like you're getting a lot out of the course. Regarding our 'write a review' request, we will forward your feedback to the IT team for their consideration. All the best with your language learning!

Mark Bachand

Mark Bachand

VT , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I like the way it focuses on the parts of a common conversation. Things that it could do better:
1. Make some games or reading lessons that you can do silently. Face it: a lot of us have time to study in places that we just don't want to be talking into a microphone.
2. Have your web app work with more than just Chrome.

Other than those two items, it is a great platform to learn a language on. I would recommend it over most others.

Ethan Carr

Ethan Carr

Fort Myers, Florida

Rocket German
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A great way to learn any language. Its fun, hilarious, and I would recommend it to all my friends. Its simple, and you can learn so many things. With all the fun games and activities, I would definitely use it again.

Thomas Spotts

Thomas Spotts

United States

Rocket Spanish
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I like the practicality of starting with useful daily conversations in Spanish, as opposed to a heavy dose of grammar and vocabulary memorization. I like the breakdown of phrases into their individual parts and the repetition. The pauses between repeated phrases allow ample time to practice mimicking the speakers aloud. Then checking my pronunciation against theirs. As a lifelong educator myself, I like the 'layered' approach--with one conversation building on the previous conversation and then continuing. This IS an effective way to learn pretty much anything! Good job Rocket Spanish. :)

John Hoare

John Hoare

Toronto , Canada

Rocket Japanese
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Love everything so far, but I’ve noticed that you are changing the voice actors with the audio files. In my opinion, I’d prefer the original combination of the English Kenny and the ‘Osaka’ kansai-jin Sayaka...especially Sayaka, whose accent, in both nihongo-ga and eigo-ga is very helpful in terms of realistic Japanese phonetics. The new Sayaka is less ‘endearing’ and the new Kenny-san has perhaps a too refined Kanto-style accent.