Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

2 Stars

1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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Colleen Murphy

Colleen Murphy


Rocket German
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Rocket Languages caters perfectly to my learning style. I can't just absorb language by osmosis, I need to have things explained to me and I need to have it repeated.

Rocket Languages explains the subjects it's teaching without expecting me to have any background in linguistics. I feel like I've learned and retained so much already!

Daniel Gregor

Daniel Gregor

United States

Rocket Spanish
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Just at the end of my first week and looking forward to continuing. Seems easy to follow but I can see that constant review of previous lessons is likely to be my path to success. Also, I can see where vocabulary recall may become a primary source of frustration for me. I'm pushing forward and hoping for a level of fluency to use in traveling within a year. Note: I have had no reason to contact customer service at this point.

khalid  ali

Khalid Ali


Rocket Spanish
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I am very happy I new some word of Spanish and I can introduce my self by Spanish I am so happy and I am enjoying making the new sounds. you are the most wanted and helpful tool in self-learning of the Foreign Language .

Michelle MacIntosh

Michelle Macintosh

Rocket Italian
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I enjoy these lessons very much. They are easy to use and learn from. The annunciation, for the most part, is very understandable and easy to repeat after. I enjoy the quizzes and wish I had a microphone attached to my computer so I could record my own phrases.

Arwyn Yarwood

Arwyn Yarwood

Fall River, WI

Rocket French
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I've tried a variety of programs for learning French, but I've found Rocket Languages works well with my learning style. I'm not just learning nouns; I'm speaking, writing, and constructing full sentences. Some programs I've used involve just listening and repeating, and others just writing, but Rocket Languages has you doing them all, which really makes it easier and faster to retain information. I also really enjoy the cultural tidbits included within the lessons. Needless to say, I've already recommended the program to others!

Antonio DeNino

Antonio Denino

Butte, MT

Rocket Italian
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One month into Rocket Italian Level I, the program is providing me with a solid start in learning a new language. The instruction motivates learning and can be fun. The materials are well designed and appear to take into consideration the different types of learning styles we have as students of language. So far so good.

Bruce Gilmore

Bruce Gilmore

Taunton , United Kingdom

Rocket Spanish
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Great course and I have learnt a great deal. My only negative comment is that the course so far (nearly finished level 1) does not give enough teaching on putting the language together, rather it teaches phrases. I am trying to learn the language as I now live in Spain and trying to learn the language.

Randy Byers

Randy Byers

Chiangkham, Phayao

Rocket Chinese
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As a complete beginner for the Chinese language I struggle a little on learning some of the "longer" sentence lessons. I really like Rocket chinese but I listen to Yoyos' Utube when it comes to pronunciation. She shows beginners how to pronounce the harder sounds. Plus, as a beginner I have purchased three young learners books with easy sentences. So now I have a great learning system in Rocket chinese, Yoyo and my "kids" books. Please don't look at this as being negative. As a teacher I know what I need to make it easier on me. Thanks still for your great course.

Stephen Earley

Stephen Earley

United States

Rocket Japanese
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I'm very satisfied with my purchase of Rocket Japanese, especially with the voice recognition so that pronunciation can be practiced. The one glaring downside seems to be the ghost-town of a forum. Sometimes I'll post a question or feedback and not receive a reply for days, and so it's not as user friendly as the forums on Duolingo or WaniKani. Perhaps more staff/tutors could be hired to at least make sure every new thread gets a response? Overall I would still recommend Rocket Japanese, especially with the 60% discount codes (which make the price "just right" IMHO). Cheers!

Angelina Lam

Angelina Lam

toronto , Canada

Rocket French
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Sorry, it is too early for me to give you a review of your course.
Can I use Whatsapp instead of opening the ​computer to view your course?

I am not sure I would buy it again, and I am not sure .......