Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

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78.7% (4012)

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14.0% (715)

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3.9% (201)

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1.4% (73)

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1.8% (94)

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Rick Faktor

Rick Faktor


Rocket Spanish
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The lessons are far too long. I like to finish a lesson in one sitting but they are so long, it's impossible. I groan when I see the flashcards with 70 entries. There is no sense of accomplishment. I tend to avoid starting lessons because it seems like drudgery trying to get through them and that isn't a good way to learn. So yes , I am disappointed in my purchase. I had high hopes . I had previously done the 'Spanish with Paul' lessons. They had they're shortcomings too but I felt the lessons were a better length and I stuck with them and learned a lot more.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Rick, thank you for your review. I'm sorry to hear that you are finding the lessons too long. Here at Rocket Languages we want to ensure that all our linguistic content is comprehensive and in-depth, but we are also aware that motivation and a sense of accomplishment is critical to learning. As such, your suggestion regarding the flashcards has been passed on to our Product Development team. In the meantime, you might have a better experience with our more interactive reinforcement activities like "Hear It! Say It!" All the best with your Spanish language learning!

Ettrick Campbell

Ettrick Campbell

United States

Rocket Spanish
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I like Rocket Languages but, I don't like how it is set up and you don't really learn from it, it's more of a study tool for people taking a Spanish class. You should make it so that people can actually learn Spanish from this website.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Ettrick, thank you for taking the time to leave a review. I am sorry to hear that you are finding the Rocket Spanish course difficult to learn from. Ensuring that our course is user friendly is very important to us and with this in mind our Customer Support team has contact you to get a clearer idea of the issues you are experiencing. All the best!

Marguerite Wolff

Marguerite Wolff


Rocket Italian
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Audio does not work, neither for initial pronunciation, nor playback. When I try to listen "session aborted" appears.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Marguerite, thank you for your review, I'm sorry to hear you are continuing to experience issues with the audio features of Rocket Languages. We have contacted you via email in order to resolve this issue. All the best!

Chris Budnicki

Chris Budnicki

United States

Rocket Japanese
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the audio recognition needs work. Also stop asking me to review every six times i record a word.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Chris, thank you for your review. We are sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with the voice recognition. We have contacted you via email to get more information on this. Regarding the reviews, we will pass this on to the team for them to take a look at. We wish you all the best!

Nyamjav Radna-Ochir

Nyamjav Radna-ochir


Rocket Chinese
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Very good. Unfortunately, I can not find more time to learn Rocket Chinese

Response from Rocket Languages

We are glad that you are enjoying the course. Rocket Chinese will always be waiting for you and you can always return to continue the course at any point!

Sandra L Ammons

Sandra L Ammons

United States

Rocket French
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too early to feel awesome about the process. feeling overwhelmed right now.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Sandra, we're sorry to hear that you are feeling overwhelmed with the course content. We have sent you some tips via email to try and help you overcome this.

Kevin Collins

Kevin Collins

United States

Rocket Spanish
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The conversations to listen, follow along with, and repeat after, are pretty good and based in some realistic contexts. They were fine. Also, some of the explanations during the text-based lessons were decent explanations. My main issues are with the review, the study flashcards, listening and repeating, typing the sentences, then repeating them with only the translation. It felt less like trying to figure out what it was, and instead more on how much I could remember of the sentence or what I could memorize, and after about 45 days it gets old feeling like the only practice after the initial flashcards is memorization of sentences. It would be good to see some variations in those sentences for the flashcards, then the listening and repeat, then typing, then saying it. They could still use the same words maybe and have the overall vibe of the lesson, but when they're all the same exact sentences in the same exact order for four reviews in a row then it isn't really working towards figuring out what to say.

Response from Rocket Languages

Thank you for your review. We have passed your suggestions about improving the reinforcement activities on to the Development team. All the best!

steven goericke

Steven Goericke

United States

Rocket Spanish
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Starting from beginning Spanish i was thrown off the cliff suddenly with complete sentences. There is no bridging the gap from rudimentary words to complete sentences. Need to work alongside with google translate.. Frustrating.

Response from Rocket Languages

Sorry to hear that you're having trouble! It looks like you might have skipped a number of lessons in the course which understandably made things difficult for you. We've emailed you with some information and are always here to help if you need a hand with your learning!

Leomer Minguez

Leomer Minguez


Rocket French
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It was okay. Experience was not too great due to microphone issue that I need to shout just to be heard by the software which leads to frustration in learning. Would recommend to travelers who are into rote learning. Opinion on buying again and recommending to a friend may change once I have completed the courses.

Daniel Joseph

Daniel Joseph

United States

Rocket Chinese
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The more I go through the course, the more frustrating it gets. Instead of learning and practicing individual words, I'm supposed to memorize incredibly complex sentences without understanding the meaning of how all the words work together in the sentence. There is no logical progression from learning words to forming sentences. As a result, I forget everything immediately and feel demotivated. And I stumble over the pronunciation because I have to say ten new words at a time. There is no daily reinforcement of previous lessons, which makes the course meaningless over time.

Response from Rocket Languages

Thank you for your review, Daniel. If you are finding the Interactive Audio lessons quite challenging, then we would recommend going through the Language and Culture lessons first. Once you have a better understanding of how the language works, you may find that the sentences make more sense. If you continue to find yourself feeling demotivated, please don't hesitate to reach out to the customer support team on [email protected].