Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

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1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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Patrice Bashynski

Patrice Bashynski

Rocket Spanish
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I was introduced to Rocket Languages through my local library. This is another reason that Rocket Languages is AWESOME! Persons with limited financial resources can experience this phenomenal learning language tool. I completed the available course lessons several years ago. However, I continue to log in and learn new things. I do this several ways. I can always review the lessons and take my tests over. I can also read Mauricio's learning tips/tools. I can review my own notes that I took and saved and I can still add new notes. Also, the forum is AWESOME! I use it to learn, to practice writing in Spanish (my chosen language) and I have asked questions with AWESOME results. Rocket Language continues to provide me challenges. This keeps me excited, interested, and learning new Spanish every day. Thank you for making this AWESOME material available to our (still quite free) local library's. YOU ROCK!

Hao Luo

Hao Luo


Rocket German
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Great language learning tool. The fact that they have a native speaker teaching us in audio lessons really helped with my pronunciation. New vocabulary is learned with new words woven into each lesson. Rocket German ist ein gutes Werkzeug!

Gary Bonner

Gary Bonner

Rocket Korean
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Just starting out. Some problems. Recorded words and phrases not always clear and can't slow them down to hear certain nuances usually having to do with consonants. The hangeul lists the Names of the characters and has recorded pronunciation, but the pronunciation of the character as it is used is only listed in English with no guide as to pronunciation. for instances whether the 'g' sound is a soft g as in 'gentle' or a hard 'g' as in guest. My native speaking Korean frined has criticized the overall recorded pronunciations as a little less than realistic.

Kyle  Slabik

Kyle Slabik

Douglassville, PA

Rocket French
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The great thing about this program is it gives you multiple ways to learn, and doesn't leave you abandoned out of your native language. Whether you learn through conversation, memorization, or association either auditory or visual, Rocket language has a way for you to excel.

Alan R Gingrich

Alan R Gingrich

San Antonio, TX

Rocket Chinese
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I've used Rosetta Stone for other languages including Arabic and nothing matches Rocket Arabic. Rosetta Stone was completely unusable. Rocket languages is the best method I've used to date for learning a language.

Joshua Lopez

Joshua Lopez

Humble, TX

Rocket Spanish
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Prior to purchasing, I did extensive research on which Spanish language learning program to select... Rosetta Stone, Tell Me More, Visual Link, Learning Spanish Like Crazy, you name it, I researched and tried it (using trial software). But, at the end of the day - and countless hours of research - Rocket Spanish had the best interface, best reviews, and most accessible teaching methods. This will be the software that my wife and I will use to first, learn Spanish, and second, introduce our daughter to the language. Wish me luck!

Nancy CaraDonna

Nancy Caradonna

Rocket Italian
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I've tried them all and this is the one! The Italian course is so good that I ordered the next level because I wanted more! The course is designed to give you plenty of incentive to build your understanding and your vocabulary. The native speaker is wonderfully articulate yet natural and easy-going. This is truly the first time I've made real progress in my quest to learn any language. I'm starting French as soon as I'm finished with the first two Italian courses. The prices are very reasonable for the kind of classroom experience you're getting here at rocket languages. Thank you, NCC

Cory Collet

Cory Collet

Rocket Spanish
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I like the phrase master game, because it has made it easier to pick out words from a sentence. Whereas before, they all just blurred together. This has made it easier to speak with friends, and use context clues in cases where I don't understand the full sentence.



Rocket Spanish
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Rocket Spanish is simply the best language course available (at any price); and as a bonus the price of Rocket Spanish itself is quite modest. I have tried virtually all rapid learning methods available in my quest to learn Spanish and have found the Rocket system superior for a variety of reasons including (but not limited to):

1) Portability - lessons are brief and can be downloaded as mp3 files for listening during travel (i.e. you are not stuck in front of a computer)
2) Engaging conversations and situations that are applicable for foreign travel
3) Grammar lessons are designed to be painless and effective
4) It is rather entertaining ... I find I can spend hours studying without feeling fatigue
5) Price - the cost of this program is a mere fraction of the cost of it's competitors; yet more overall more comprehensive and effective
6) Consistent improvement. The Staff of Rocket Spanish are constantly at work examining their product and adding features to make the features yet more effective.

I highly recommend this product to anyone whose work or travel requires the mastering of a foreign language; as well as for the culturally curious who simply want to have some fun.



Washington DC

Rocket French
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Just to put things into context, I completed Rosetta Stone a few years ago and at the end of it, I knew a lot of nouns, phrases, and partial sentences, but couldn't string together a handful of sentences together into any kind of meaningful conversation. Suffice it to say, as a cinephile and avid traveler, I had aspired to a proficiency level somewhat higher than a Francophone toddler.

Now that I've almost completed Premium Level (already have Premium Plus and Platinum on tap), I'm definitely picking up a lot more nuances in film dialogues, and I am also more confident about my pronunciation. The Rocket Reviews are really useful in getting you to think about the different variations and syntaxes that you can apply to the lesson you've just completed.

The Language and Culture modules have a lot of substance to them, and hopefully, they can be deeper integrated into the Interactive Audio modules. As a specific example, the 'Putting Things Together' lessons were exactly what I was looking for in terms of having the facility/vernacular to string together phrases into a coherent sentence without guessing the applicable joinders (like "by the way", or "nevermind") by translating English terms word for word and hope that they use a similar expression in French.