Rocket Languages Reviews

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

2 Stars

1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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Skylar-ray O'quinn

Skylar-ray O'quinn

Rocket Japanese
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I looked up the best software to learn Japanese because it became too hard to learn on my own and now I feel so confident with it thanks to Rocket Japanese, nothing i have ever learned has been so streamlined and at times where i found it hard to understand i asked the question and got a response almost instantly and it was always super helpful

Scott Kolesar

Scott Kolesar

Rocket Arabic
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It's surprising how quickly you start to form sentences using Rocket Arabic! The repetition of certain words and concepts in successive lessons really helps to solidify your Arabic foundation. Also, it's easy and enjoyable to use. If you would like to learn a language quickly and easily, this is the product to use!

Aya  Ibrahim

Aya Ibrahim

Ras Al Khaimah

Rocket Chinese
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In the first time i was afraid to not get the Chinese tunes , but with this awesome Rocket Chinese I've learned a lot.. and am thinking to have the whole course here when i get free =)
to all who are making for us these lesson , zaijian!! :)

Mario Schembri

Mario Schembri

Rocket Italian
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I am learning at my own pace. It is easy to follow. It is my first time that I am learning a language online. It helped a lot when i started to watch tv with Italian language. I can understand better several meanings.

My only concern is that I cannot open the flash cards of the games, but the full program is very good.

sergio sapienza

Sergio Sapienza

São Paulo (SP)

Rocket French
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Je pense que Rocket Languages est un outil très important pour apprendre le français rapidement. J´aime utiliser cet outil, parce qu´il m´aide à  développer la langue française et la grammaire. Rocket Languages, c´est un outil complete et facile pour utiliser. Félicitations pour l´avoir développer. Merci beaucoup.

Cristina  Cirstea

Cristina Cirstea

Rocket Japanese
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I'm really glad that I found this site. The lesson are very easy to understand and Sayaka-san's voice is really beautiful. As a Romanian native speaker is not really simple to learn such a hard language like Japanese,but the Rocket Japanese team makes everything simple.
I'll recommend this site to all my "otaku" friends and Japan-lovers :]

Katinka Smit

Katinka Smit

Rocket German
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I moved to Germany with my (then) boyfriend, to learn more about him and his family/home/friends. I had no German at all and had to learn everything from scratch. I completed an intensive course through the local Volkshochschule and started working at the DeutschePost with my limited language. We stayed for 6 months and I wanted to learn more, but had limited opportunity or know how, trying Berlitz (too condescending and not real, everyday language) and another course, also I bought grammar and verb books. Very patchy results. Then I stumbled upon Rocket German and tried the free trial, and signed up immediately after receiving only 3 of the free lessons. I was impressed with the immediate results and the ability to be flexible with the language. Over a period of 6 months I did the first level at Premium, and learnt enough German to speak with German customers in my role as a dive master in Thailand. My partner and I returned to Germany and were married there (keine Uebersetzung!) - I made a speech in German at my wedding and impressed everyone with how much my language had improved and deepened (und ich sagte "ja, ich will" and signed my life away! :) in German.

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Margaret Coleman

Margaret Coleman

Rocket French
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I enjoy working at my own pace. The flexibility of the program is very good. My favorite part is being able to listen and then repeat as many times as I want. The only thing I dislike is having to click accept to record each new phrase or word.

peter  Nguyen

Peter Nguyen


Rocket Korean
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Rocket Korean is the best learning software for beginners interested in learning the Korean language. The lessons are very thorough on pronunciation and the games help a lot for memorizing. I really liked how there are lessons for learning culture to help understand the language more effectively.

Daryl Olson

Daryl Olson

Elkton / MD

Rocket Japanese
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Rocket Japanese has been an excellent way to review all the things I learned in Country. Great for refreshing your memory on specific vocabulary sets. Well organized so it's easy to hone in on exactly what you want to cover at any given point in time. By far superior to Rosetta Stone.