Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.
A mi, me gusta practar espanol con Rocket Spanish. Necesito practicar escuchando, y los actividades ayudame a escuchar y practicar espanol. Ya estudie espanol, y fue dificil saber cuando empezar con Rocket Spanish. Tuve que comprara todos los versions y fueron muy caras juntos.
I am having a wonderful time doing this course. The only hesitation I have - hence not all five star ratings - is that we seem to be going very slowly. But hey, we have to crawl before we walk. No seriously, I started this course as a faux debutant and I am finding the early stages a little tiresome. Perhaps you could think of levels of starting this course other than at the very beginning for people like me. Otherwise, I am enjoying this. yes, I know I have apparently contradicted myself somewhat - enjoying but...- but still I would like to be further ahead .
good design of lessons and reviews. The built in tests are also important to provide feed back to assist in tracking and seeing progress.
The program really taught me how to speak Mandarin from day 1. The more lessons I complete, the more I want to practice and to take new lessons.
It's very interactive and easy to understand, though the initial directions were a little confusing--but only a little. Pronunciation is exact and (so far) easy to imitate. I wait until your speaker has finished so I can more accurately hear if I've mimicked him/her. And having the written Italian along with the pronunciation is helpful.
I've been delighted with the entire program so far. Particularly good were the i-pod downloads with Paul and Marie Claire. I'm learning French slowly, but I'm learning. I have Rosetta Stone and Pimsler.... they don't match up to Rocket Languages .
It has been a wonderful self-learning package, very interesting and practical topics. Unfortunately, I could not spend so much time working on it so far. But I am definitely interested in buying the 3rd level product.
Rocket French incorporates all aspects of learning French in a fun and informative way using auditory, vocal and written practice in most scenarios of life. I love that it allows for a client to proceed at their own pace. The site is also easy to navigate.
I enjoyed learning more about the product and I want to use it to learn Spanish. I am looking forward to making my own list of practice words that deal with my profession, librarianship. Please add more games and possible foreign language newspapers so that I will know current events in the areas of my chosen Spanish.
It`s a good thing, i was afraid at first it could give me trouble learning it but hey, here I am i can do good by myself if am left all alone in China thanks to rocket chinese for enabling me understanding chinese
Es un programa estupendo, yo empecè un poco esceptico, pero a lo largo de estos 2 meses, me he entusiasmado mucho, creo que el sistema es bastante bueno.
Le dedico 3 horas minimo al dia, estoy muy satisfecho con i avance, cada dia entiendo mejor, lo unico que lamento es no poder practicarlo directamente.