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Emotions in Russian

After this online audio lesson you will be able to talk about your feelings in Russian. Being able to talk about your emotions will help you get to know people better and take your new friendships to the next level.

How would you like to be able to say how you really feel in a Russian conversation? Let's get started...

Resources for further reading:

Emotions in Russian - Pronunciation help

The following phrases will help you describe your emotions in Russian.

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Russian pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!

Я рад / Я рада

Ya rad / Ya rada

I'm happy (male speaking) / I'm happy (female speaking)

Я влюблëн / Я влюблена

Ya vliublyon / Ya vliublina

I'm in love (male speaking) / I'm in love (female speaking)

Мне скучно

Mne skoochna

I'm bored

Я устал / Я устала

Ya ustal / Ya ustala

I'm tired (male speaking) / I'm tired (female speaking)

Я волнуюсь

Ya valnoous’

I'm excited

Я боюсь

Ya bayoos’

I'm frightened

Я сердит / Я сердита

Ya sirdeet / Ya sirdeeta

I'm angry (male speaking) / I'm angry (female speaking)

Я полон жизни / Я полна жизни

Ya polan zhizni / Ya palnah zhizni

I feel alive (male speaking) / I feel alive (female speaking)

Я ревную

Ya rivnoou

I'm jealous

Я поражëн / Я поражена

Ya parazhon / Ya parazhina

I'm amazed (m) / I'm amazed (f)

Я доволен / Я довольна

Ya davolin / Ya dalol’na

I'm content (m) / I'm content (f)

Я нервничаю

Ya nervnichau

I'm nervous

Я занят / Я занята

Ya zahnit / Ya zanita

I'm busy (m) / I'm busy (f)

Я беспокоюсь

Ya bispakous’

I'm worried

Я в бешенстве

Ya v beshinstve

I'm furious

Я удивлëн / Я удивлена

Ya udivlyon / Ya udivlina

I'm surprised (m) / I'm surprised (f)

Я спокоен / Я спокойна

Ya spakoin / Ya spakoina

I'm calm (m) / I'm calm (f)

Мне грустно

Mne groosna

I'm sad

Мне стыдно

Mne stydna

I'm embarrassed

Я спешу

Ya spishoo

I'm in a hurry

Я уравновешен / Я уравновешена

Ya uravnaveshin / Ya uravnaveshina

I feel balanced (m) / I feel balanced (f)

That’s it for today’s lesson. I hope you enjoyed it.

Here are a few recommended Russian lessons to try next!

До скорого! (da skorava)

Natalya Dubrov: Rocket Russian

Make It Stick With Rocket Reinforcement

Reinforce your learning from this lesson with the Rocket Reinforcement activities!